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Everything posted by PAbowhunter86

  1. :no:I have been asking to hunt private and with all answer being NO HUNTERS ALLOWED! or well too many people hunt my farm already. So I also been scouting public land to find treestand everywhere I think a good spot might be. Went to my honey hole that I shoot a decent 10 point at last year and found Treestands with 40yds. Sorry If I am rambling but I just need to Vent somewhere.
  2. As frustrating as it is you still cant get anything laying on the couch watching tv. You never know may get lucky!
  3. Congrats Very Nice Buck! and on Public Land Way to go!
  4. Thank you to all that commented! Good Luck Hope Photographs of everyones deer this year.
  5. Its been a long journey. 10 years of alot of time and effort finally paid off. I got this 10 point last night (10-7-2010) at 5:30. This buck is the first buck with a bow and I couldnt ask for more. I am calling him Lucky because all odds were stacked againist me; No time to scout ( bought a house this year and stopped me from scouting), jumped him last week putting up the ladder stand, and I shot him high due to him ducking the arrow (hit in the spin). Shot a second time in the lungs. This isnt the way I would have liked to take him but it is a bitter sweet ending.
  6. I got a pair of snowshoes for christmas. I really like them but I have trying to read up on maintance for them. I cant find anything. A question that I have is when I was using them the snow made a ice ball around the cleats how do I stop that?
  7. I would like to make a lanyard using 550 cord. Does anyone have a step by step instruction you use?
  8. On my Easton Epic arrows I have the H Nocks. I am going to buy the tracers for my hunting arrows and I was wondering what is the difference between the H, X, and S Nock?
  9. My Wife and I have recently gotten married and would like to buy a puppy within the next year. I like the lab because they are great with kids, and we are going to have kids in the next few years. Also I heard the a great hunting dogs. Know my question is I read an a fews websites that say there are pointing labs? Is this a trait in all labs as long as they are trained to point? Pointing is trait I like since I am upland bird hunter. Also any advice of this breed would be helpful!!! Thanks
  10. Hows the buck activity here in pa? First time out during the rut finally got a day off work!!
  11. Murphies Law What can go wrong will go wrong! gotta get away from this law!
  12. as far as the range goes a good varaition of target ranges and challenging shoots. But at least one night a week have a team shoot the teams consisting of a advanced archer and one - three begginners. This will advance begginners into the better archer and then they will become advanced soon following hopefully returning the favor.
  13. Graduating from college and got a Canon XTi 400D because of it. Cant wait to start taking pictures and showing them here.
  14. I would like to try my hand at making my own box call. I have tried once by making a call without a plan and it was a failed attemped. I was wondering if anyone here can help me find a plan on making a box call or has a plan that they followed? Thanks
  15. I would Like to start making my own arrow wraps does anyone know where to start? Where to get the paper? Any advice would help?
  16. Last year I bought a CZ 40P for my 21st bday. While I have wanted to carry it but any holster that i have you can tell I have a gun. The size is mid range handgun. About Glock 19, browning hi-power size. What kinda of holster will conceal this size of gun?
  17. Last thrus. was the first time we have shot the techno hunt and it was a blast. This week the scores didnt mean much to us but my girlfriend shot a 138 and I shot a 210 out of a total of 240 in points. We both cant wait to shoot again this week.
  18. This year my girlfriend and I have entered into a 10 week competition. It is a archery dart system. I cant wait to start! We shoot as a team and Thrusday is your day. Good luck to anybody shooting in indoor competitions this winter.
  19. Well I am going to get a new climbing treestand but I am not really sure which one I like the summit Viper SS. Can I get some advice? And tell me if you have a climbing stand and which one it is? Thanks
  20. At 3D and indoor shoots I have noticed that the more experienced shooters all have at least a 12" stabilizer on there bows. What is the reason for this? I have a stabilizer but it is a S-coil and that is mainly for sound reduction. So depending on the answer I get I am think of buying a new stabilizer. What should I look for and any advice on brand name or helpful hints would be useful? Thanks
  21. I am looking for a good quizer, for 3D shoots. Any advice?
  22. Good Luck if you make the shoot!!!
  23. Pa season is just around the croner. Saturday is the opener for the 2007 archery season and I am ready. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!
  24. I had the same problem this year. I have had my bow tuned a few times and each time I am perfectly paper tuned. SO I went to the range and shot a few time first field tips then a broadhead and really watched how my form was. Luckly for me I just had to correct my grip and after I did so I shot prefect. - Watch form - spin test arrows - paper tune bow - if that doesnt work ask a local pro shop