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squirrelyman34's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. thanks guys. im heading to the local gun shop friday and if the weather is good sat im gonna get it out and try her out
  2. last christmas my girlfriend bought me a traditions deerhunter .50cal flintlock. im clueless when it comes to them. woundering what the best powder and bullets are for it.and any tips? thanx
  3. the weight of the bow dosent mean to much to me. im so use to holding my old hoyt and that thing is heavyer than a sac of crap. but i relli do like the hoyts whats the price range for them.
  4. i have to agree with you .308 all the way one of my friends shot a black bear with his .308 at 275 yards and only went like 50 yards
  5. I want to get a new bow and set up this year and what all you guys have to suggest.my old hoyt is just getting way to outdated its like 6 or 7 years old. I heard that some people aren't to impressed with the new mathews you guys herd anything on that issue???? and haven't herd really anything on the new hoyts or bowtecs.
  6. i like to use thunderhead 85grain i get a lil extra speed and not as quite much dropage on my 30 yard shots
  7. ive herd a few things about the rage 2 blade and i was woundering if the 3 blade are any better. what is your guys's opoinion?
  8. i finnaly got a new rifle but cant get it till xmas but they baught me a savage 308 i was woundering if any one has one and what you have for a scope ill probly spend around 150.00 on a new scope but just dont know what. and what all are you using for a bullet.ill probly be ussing it for just woodchucks this year then probly deer and bear next year.
  9. im starting to think about getting a new rifle and im thinking about the 25-06. ive been told they are a real good gun but every one ive found has been a bit prices? do you guys know of any other gun around that caliper that is a bit cheaper? i have a .243and im not that inpressed with it and want somthing bigger.im want it for varmit to bear or an all around gun.thanx
  10. hey i was woundering if any of you guys have shot them???i was looking at them the other day and couldent make up ma mind.are they any good? penitration?and all of that good stuff.
  11. to start out with do you guys no any good web sites that sells parts for them?i was recently looking at ma old mans 22 hornet that hes had for ever and seen that he has a small crack in the stalk.and looking to buy him a new one for a gift.any ideas?
  12. i got my savage 22 hornet out the other day for the first time and i found some small cracks in the stalk were the clip enters and woundering if you guys no any places were i can find replacements? and for a decient price.
  13. Re: string for my hoyt its the orginal straing and i tryed waxing it and it dont to look to be in the best shape.