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About Dakota

  • Birthday 07/08/1990


  • First Name
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  • Location
    Tea, SD
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    hunting, fishing, gathering, just love the outdoors
  • Biography
    I am 18, a freelance outdoors writer and am a Pro Staffer for Honey Creek Outdoors. Ha! Yeah, make it age 30 now, wow...
  • user_name_impex
    Dakota W. Case

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Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. Haha I went in and was sent home when they found out about my condition.
  2. Grocery prices are seeing an uptick. If you do online ordering they often don't even have anything to substitute for items they don't have. The clementines and bananas we got in this last order were rotten. You can't find ammo anywhere unless you barter with someone else. I'm gathering up equipment and have a bug-out bag ready in case things get real rough. Never thought this would ever be something I'd have to consider in my time.
  3. No deer shot, but does hitting one with my jeep count?? Lol Salvaged it at least. Small button/spike. I've spent so much time sitting in the stand, studying weather patterns, lunar cycles, rut phases, etc. and this is how I get my deer. Lol
  4. Good to see you back, Ruth!
  5. All the velvet is off looks like, no jury duty so far.
  6. Nice! I was looking at a 28 for a bit, but had the heart set on a 16. Finally got to shoot a few boxes today. I at least shot AT the clay targets...? Didn't help that it was extremely windy, but I was consistently shooting behind it. I did hit some, but not many. I love the 16, but hate wasting precious shells on misses. Those things are like gold as far as 16 shooters are concerned.
  7. Just picked up a KOFS/Savage/Stevens 555e 16 gauge o/u at Scheels the other day. Really excited for pheasant and grouse hunting this year! Anyone else shoot a 16 for upland or small game?
  8. Shoot, sorry to hear that, William. I've got Jury duty the next two months, so we'll see how that goes. I'm high risk for catching and being seriously impacted by Covid, so hopefully I can be excused so I can enjoy the early deer season.
  9. Dakota

    too decrepit

    lol I make due with what I have. Not fun, but it works.
  10. Anyone gearing up for dove season? I'll be chasing muleys with the bow on opening day, but planning on sitting with my best friend on his acreage to try to take some doves later in the week. September 1st kicks off the madness - deer season, dove, rabbit, squirrel, etc. Can't wait!
  11. At the rate it's going, it may have to be individuals instead of teams.
  12. Dakota

    too decrepit

    Yeah, for sure. Had to relearn how to walk and I still have to lock my right leg when I walk most of the time. Blockages in both legs, permanently weaker lungs due to the crash in 2015. Numbness and neuropathy in a lot of my lower extremities. I'll die doing what I love and will most certainly not regret it. lol
  13. Dakota

    too decrepit

    I'm 30, but my body feels much much older just due to life circumstances and health history. Not going to lie, it's hard hiking buttes out west. Have to stop and take several breaks. However, that's been normal for me, and if I'm hunting alone I can pace myself and work it towards my advantage. I think Dan (Wyohunter) used to have a signature line that read, "the older I get, the slower I hunt. The slower I hunt, the better I hunt. The better I hunt, the more I owe my taxidermist..." ? I find that to be more true than not.