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Everything posted by jcs3344

  1. Weather channel was calling for rain this morning so I was not over excited to get up and go get wet. Well when i woke up this morning and looked out side it wasnt raining so i got ready and headed to my fiances house to try and kill a bird. I hunted this area last year and only ran into a couple hens during the season, i know they're birds in the area but they are usually on someone elses land. I get to my listening spot and messing around in my vest and heard what it thought was a gobble. Im sure we've all been there where we think we hear one cause we want to hear would so bad. Its kinda hard to hear around there due to the traffic along the roads. I stay there and i hear it again, this time positive its a gobble. He sounds off again... Im not exactly sure where the turkey is but think he is to my right down into a swamp so i start heading that way. As I'm walking down the edge of the road my fiance pulls out of her drive way going to school, she stops and says "what ya doing" hah, i said going to try and kill this turkey thats gobbling, she said "yea i heard it, its right behind the house". Good thing she told me cause i was going the wrong way. As im walking up their drive way he starts gobbling 2 and 3 times. Hes roosted right along the edge of a field right beside their house. I crawled to the edge and got in position and just waited. As soon as i got to the tree and got settled i hear a hen cluckin and cutin. I look and shes already on the ground !! i could hardly see. I let out a yelp with a soft cut at the end and he gobbled. Good atleast he knows where I'm at. A few mins went by with him gobbling and finally i start seeing turkeys fly down into the field, just on the other side of a small hill. I'm watching each one to see if its the gobbler and all seem to be HENS. Great he's surrounded by hens. I finally see a turkey gliding down with a white hen. There he is, as soon as he hits the ground i yelp and cut, he gobbles. More turkeys fly into the field and go out of sight. I stay quite for a few mins as all the turkeys are just over the hill. Then i call again, 3 turkeys gobble this time ! Im thinking i got them in the bag, a hen comes over the hill about 50 yards away, and right behind them is struttin turkeys... I start looking at the strutters and they are all jakes !!! 8 jakes struttin and gobbling. Ol well, they work their way in to 40 yards followed by a few more hens. These jakes sure did have big mouths on them and sounded just like a mature bird. The season opened without a bird, but thats fine it was awesome to hear them gobble and watch them struttin. Maybe Sat. it will be 8 mature birds in that field.
  2. 835, yea its diff. it wont go in your 500
  3. choke in great condition. Only have shot put through it about 15 times. Don't have a mossberg anymore so I dont need it. $15 TYD
  4. Homemade sling-shot. Made from dog wood tree, very good quality made sling-shot. Something fun to play with, good present. $15 TYD ! Fly fisherman !! Here is two thompson fly jigs! in great shape work awesome. Also it will come with a galloon bag of string to tie the flys with. All times of colors !! $40 TYD OBO
  5. i have a stoger M2000. Had it for about 2 years now. Took it turkey huntin last year and killed 2 turkeys with it. i bought a primos jellyhead choke to go in it since i too had a 835 and was used to shooting 3 1/2 inche with factor choke. I figured if i was movin down to a 3 in i ought to get a aftermarket choke to "make up the difference" Both turkeys i shot with it dropped and didnt even flop around. One was at 40 yards. I duck hunt and dove hunt with this gun and have never had a problem with it. I love it.
  6. I have a Cobra Radar Detector for sale. It is a 9 band radar dectector with city and highway modes. It has 10 volumes and can be heard very well. It gives great warnings for police and emergency vehicals. Asking $40 dollars, I'll pay the shipping.
  7. I have a Mossberg X-Factor Waterfowl choke for sell. This choke is made to shoot steel shot. It is a full choke (.730) It is awesome for ducks and shoots a great pattern. It fits a Mossberg 835 12 GA. for sure because thats what i shot it in, it might fit more models im not sure. Asking $25 dollars, free shipping. Heres some pictures.
  8. thanks guys, for some reason my wonderful mind did not think about contacting mojo. I emailed them and it looks like all i have to do is send in 30 bucks and the mojo and they will fix it ! not bad thanks again
  9. alright my baby mojo took a swim last week and has stopped working. I tried taking it back but they wouldnt take it. Now has this happened to anyone else ? Do i need to just get a new battery or what is the problem ? Has anyone had this problem and fixed it, thanks
  10. a couple years ago a guy around where I'm from shot a nice "8 pointer" that was getting chased by a 4 pointer. 8 pointer turned out to be a doe. Pretty weird
  11. heck yes, slight rainy days can be the best, gets the birds flying. Ive huntin in pouring rain didnt see to many, but a light rain will make them fly ! Good luck post pics
  12. my comment: thats a monster, and hes moving during the day ! dude get out there a TWACK that thing
  13. awesome, wheres the pictures ? we all want pictures
  14. jcs3344

    Rage ?

    ive been wanting to try this heads for a while now...ive picked them up and almost got to pay but always put them down. I heard and seen many pictures of the huge hole that they rage leaves. but ive also heard that the deer or animal did not bleed alot, and ive seen pictures of a big hole and no blood. I want a blood trail, not a big hole. if i cant find the deer i dont care how big the hole it makes... just my thoughts, so ill stick with muzzys. Rage is a hot broadhead and a lot of people like them, they seem good, i just dont want to take the risk i guess.???
  15. jcs3344


    I was wondering about scrapes. I have always heard that the bigger bucks rub their velvet off before the smaller bucks. My question is do big bucks scrape before smaller bucks or after ? ? If i answered my own question i would say that smaller bucks scrape before mature bucks, due to in the field observation. This year i have already seen a few scrapes on the ground and my hunter buddy has already seen a 6 and a 4 pointer make a scrape while he was hunting. i would think that the big boys will wait until it gets alittle colder before the move around and start "rutting" activity. Whats everyones views on this?
  16. where do yall find this kind of recent information ?
  17. the place im huntin this year its a long walk from the truck, and with some deer movement coming in from behind me i would rather drive my fourwheeler in instead of walk and have the deer smell me where i walked in...... i dont think 4wheelers realy bother deer that much, i part about 50 yards from my tree and have been seening be almost everytime ive hunted this year, no shooter bucks, but some young 8's and 6's, i dont think they are bothered by the fourwheelers
  18. of course they are dead sexy, its bowtech