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About M00N

  • Birthday 04/09/1985


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  • Occupation
    Web Freelancer (Web, Graphic, Server Management, Etc.)
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Gaming, Computers, Internet, Guitar, Outdoors, Animals, Etc.
  • Biography
    I'm a female hunter/fisherwoman who is also a full time computer nerd.
  • user_name_impex
    Name: Nadine

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  1. Shiloh Shepherds were originally German Shepherds that had a breeder split from the AKC breeding standards in an attempt to breed out some really bad genetics that are getting into the AKC German Shepherd lines. A lot of AKC German Shepherd lines these days are riddled with hip problems and temperment problems flaring up everywhere, even some of the top AKC German Shepherd lines are having issues with this in some way. What the original Shiloh Shepherd breeder attempted to do was use selective breeding to bring back the original German Shepherd in a sense. They tried to use selective breeding to get a gene pool of dogs that weren't riddled with hip problems and temperment problems. The Shiloh Shepherds are bred specifically to be "gentle giants". They were selective and picked dogs that had good hips, were extremely intelligent, and larger in size than a normal German Shepherd and bred many litters and generations in order to try to lock these features into the breed. Shiloh Shepherds are pretty good dogs when you get a "true" Shiloh Shepherd. They are very simliar to German Shepherds, but in my opinion much more reliable on being healthy and more naturally stable tempered than a German Shepherd is. The biggest problem with Shiloh Shepherds is there are a lot of fraud breeders out there advertising selling "Shiloh Shepherds" when they are just someone with a German Shepherd who is too big for the AKC standard or a mixed German Shepherd trying to make extra money off the dogs. True Shiloh Shepherd breeders are registered and active with the ISSR and is a member of the SSDCA. I highly recommend if you want a "true" Shiloh Shepherd to only purchase a puppy from a breeder on the ISSR breeder list. You will find that it may be a long wait to get a puppy from a "true" Shiloh Shepherd breeder as most are quite pricey, very picky on what families can take home one of their puppies, and have rather large waiting lists. I'm currently the owner of a German Shepherd from an AKC show line who is riddled with genetic problems and if I was to ever buy another dog after she passes away someday it'd probably be a Shiloh Shepherd just because it's so hard these days to get a good German Shepherd that doesn't have some sort of temperment issues or health problems and I'm quite disappointed of the route the AKC is allowing German Shepherd breeders to go with their gene pools these days. So, if you like German Shepherds and don't mind a dog that is a bit bigger and possibly requires a bit more grooming than a normal German Shepherd then you'd probably enjoy owning a "true" Shiloh Shepherd. They still, just like German Shepherds require a dedicated owner willing to stimulate, train, and socialize them in order to bring out the true beauty in the breed, though.
  2. Thanks everyone! I had a great birthday. Sorry I haven't been around the forums much. I've been quite busy with other things lately. I'm glad to see you all haven't forgotten me, though.
  3. Hey guys and gals. I'm sorry it's been a while since I've last checked in with the team. I've been extremely busy with my hunting trips and work. So, I haven't had much time to pop in and post on here until now. My archery hunting trip was a bust. I only saw three deer total from my stands at over 100 yards away the entire two weeks of archery hunting. I saw a lot of deer while out scouting, but not when actually in the stand with my bow. I also saw the same big black bear twice in the one area we hunted which made me wish it was bear season and that I had a tag this year. My rifle hunting trip went a bit better than my archery hunting trip. I saw a lot of deer, including four legal bucks, but couldn't get any clean shots on them due to heavy cover or out of range for my rifle. I managed to shoot a big doe the one day and another hunter I was with ended up shooting her button-buck fawn that was with her. My hunting seasons are now over, so I submitted my doe for the team. I won't be hunting the late archery season or muzzleloader season. Congrats to everyone that got deer this season while I was gone! Here's a picture of me with my doe. She's a bit beat up and frozen stiff. We had a lot of heavy snow/ice and it took a toll on her when dragging her out of the woods after I shot her. It also turns out while gutting her I noticed she was a tad bit of a piebald in color. Her hooves were half black and half white with a bit of extra white fur coming up from her hooves onto her legs on some of her feet. I thought it was pretty neat.
  4. Username: M00N Team Name: Trails End (Team #6) Submission: Doe Date: 12/10/2008 Location: Pennsylvania ENTERED THROUGH HERE 12/22/08
  5. Food: Pasta, Seafood, or Venison Color: Blue or Camo Wild Animal: Wolves Domestic Animal: Dogs
  6. Hey guys and gals just checking in again. Sorry I've been quiet, but I've been having internet issues recently. Finally the router blew up the other night letting me know it was the issue that needed repaired. Now I got a new one and am back up and online again. My hunting season hasn't started yet, but it's getting close. I was suppose to only get a chance for a 1-week archery hunt, but the other day I was notified by my hunting partners that they got extra time off and we're going to pull off a close to 2-week hunting trip. So from October 24 - November 9 I'll be out in the woods chasing deer and eventually turkey towards the end of my trip. Hopefully I can seal the deal this year and tag my first archery deer and maybe even my first turkey. If not I still always have rifle season to try again during my December 5 - 14 hunting trip.
  7. Ruth the signature is the proper dimensions and filesize to upload on the Realtree profiles. I made sure of that when I made the signature that it would work. Anyone that wants to use the team signature needs to simply follow these instructions. 1. Navigate to the Edit Signature section of your User CP. 2. Scroll down to the Signature Picture section and find the Upload Signature Picture section. 3. In the Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website section copy and paste the following link into the box: http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/1679/trailsendku5.gif 4. Click the Upload button on the Edit Signature page. The team signature will appear afterwards under the Your Current Signature Picture section. 5. Click the Insert Signature Picture link to the right of the team signature image in the Your Current Signature Picture section. This will add a SIGPIC code to the Edit Signature box. 6. Once finished editing your signature click the Save Signature button at the very bottom of the page. For your signature to show up in your posts you need to make sure you always have the Show your signature option checked under the Miscellaneous Options on posts.
  8. Finally I got Realtree to load. I've been locked out of this site all day with loading errors. Otherwise I would have posted this up earlier. I think the high winds yesterday must messed up my internet a tad bit. Anyway...How's this Ruth? I lightened up just the text a bit more and added a tad more black around the edges of the team name. It's not a drastic change, but I think it makes a difference on catching your eye quicker. I can go lighter if you want, I just didn't want to get too light of a green in there because some of the real light greens on an LCD screen can sometimes be eye bugging in my opinion. lol OLD: NEW:
  9. Okay first attempt. I can change it if someone has any suggestions.
  10. Another vote for Trails End. If you all want me to make the sig just have to let me know.
  11. Hey everyone! I'm just checking in with the team. It looks like we got a pretty good team this year. I'll volunteer to make the team a Signature if we can all come up with and agree upon a name. For those of you who don't know me my name is Nadine (or you can call me by my nickname which is Moon) and I'm 23 years old from Pennsylvania. This will be my second year of archery deer hunting and my tenth year of rifle deer hunting. I have two hunting trips planned this deer season. The first one is coming up the first week of November which will be a week long archery deer and turkey hunting trip. My second trip will be the first week of December and it will be a week long rifle deer hunting trip. I pulled three doe tags again this year and of course I have a buck tag that comes with my license. Hopefully I'll at least come home with a doe, if not a buck this year. I hope everyone on the team manages to check in on time and we all have successful and safe hunting seasons! Good luck everyone!
  12. Username: M00N Age: 23 Season: [Pennsylvania] October 4 - November 15 (Archery); December 1 - 13 (Firearms); December 26 - January 10 (Archery);
  13. I hope you get well soon Steve! My best wishes are being sent out to you.
  14. M00N

    What is this?

    It looks like either a young black chow-chow or a young black chow mix. Here's what a black chow-chow looks like.