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About QDMAworks4me

  • Birthday 10/29/1976


  • Location
    Northern NY
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Hunting and classic cars
  • user_name_impex

QDMAworks4me's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. We have lots of people like that around here, it really is frustrating to put all that work in and money in taxes and insurance as you say and they just come in and ruin your hunt and eventually if you don't catch them your season.
  2. There is not a hole bunch of activity from anyone yet, but as Joe said Charlie A. is always IMO right on the money and he has said this years deer activity will be unlike you have ever seen and will ever see again in your lifetime. Guess he must be on to something :yes:....unfortunately
  3. Whitetail institute clover chickory mix is the best that I have found for deer and would suggest that hands down. I have tried a lot of different types of plots from corn, brassicas, sugar beats the list goes on and on, we see the most deer all year round on the clover plots. Its a trial and error process to find what works for you. Good luck
  4. I am sure they are nice but there is no way they are worth that much, crazy!!!
  5. We own 2 pieces of property and our family farm is family only, that is about 450 acres. Our family has certain areas that we hunt on the farm until someone gets their buck. Once someone gets their buck we sometimes start to hunt the places where others have stands set up. On our other 80 acre piece we allow friends to hunt that and always share the good spots there.
  6. Nice buck Cool story, congrats. Michael sure does like that snort wheeze!! Seems to work for him lol
  7. Awesome, sounds like it could e a great time. I will tune in and see how it goes for you, good luck
  8. Last nights fight was pretty lame, the first round was ok, but their cardio was real weak. I would have thought that at the level these guys are trying to become they would have prepared much better. As far as Kimbo and next week I am pretty sure that he will win, the guy he is going to fight is kind of hard headed on the show and doesnt want to listen to the people trying to train him. I say Kimbo takes it all the way in this fight
  9. Sounds like fun, good luck finding your toy
  10. Man that is a bad weekend, good luck with the situation