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8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. TKM



    I just read your post about your Mossberg Thumbhole stock your wanting to get rid of. I have the tactical stock that I want to get rid of. If want to trade or sale it for the 12. Ga. mode 835. please let me know thx.

    You can email me at [email protected]. Please let me know Im having trouble locating a thumbhole stock.




  2. Most years I hunt Easterns on my parents' land in SE OK, and maybe make a trip with my father out to western OK (Black Kettle) to chase Rios. This year's a bit different as we have a baby at home. I'm trying to stay closer to the Tulsa area. I've hunted around Heyburn with limited success in the past, so I'm looking for other public options. Does anyone have experience with other public land in the Tulsa area? I'd love to find a good area along the Verdigris channel and am considering going as far as Oolagah, Ft Gibson, and Osage county if necessary. I'd be interested in closer in private options too, just haven't found any good ones yet. Any suggestions for places to check out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  3. I closed out my season by filling two management tags the week leading up to Christmas. Plenty of venison in the freezer and my thoughts are now turning to gobblers. Good luck to anyone still after them!
  4. Both beautiful bucks. Congratulations!
  5. I killed a 7 point on the evening before Thanksgiving. He's actually what us southeastern Oklahoma boys would call an 8 point but his right brow is less than an inch so I suppose he's a 7 for the Realtree contest. Please find below my entry info and pictures showing the points and tag (click either picture to see a bigger version). Note that because we operate our own Oklahoma check station as part of our participation in the Wildlife Department's Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP), I'm listed as the "checked by" person as well as the hunter. elnor 7 point buck Team Lucky 13
  6. I also killed a 7 point, on the evening before Thanksgiving. He's actually what us southeastern Oklahoma boys would call an 8 point but his right brow is less than an inch so I suppose he's a 7 for the Realtree contest. I'm uploading pics and will get him entered in the contest thread asap. [update: I entered him here.] Meanwhile, here are a couple of pics (click either one to see a bigger copy of it). Him where he fell on top of a creek bank: and me with him: I'm hoping to get out a time or two more this month for some doe management. Hope everyone else is enjoying time afield with family and friends, too!
  7. I'll be back after them next week, planning to hunt from Wednesday morning through at least the end of the weekend and if possible maybe 2-3 days after that. We've had a very slow rut here. I'm hoping things are just a bit delayed, but we'll see.
  8. Welcome, Shane. And congrats on your 10 point! I'm looking forward to seeing a picture and getting more info on him once you get him entered into the contest thread. It's been slow for us so far, too. Seems like the rut still hasn't fired up full bore here yet. Fingers crossed, things should get better soon.
  9. Great buck, congratulations! Our weekend was a bit of a bust. We did get out and hunt but it was rainy and windy with very little deer movement. Nothing was secured for the freezer or the taxidermist. Hoping for better weather and another trip to the woods soon.
  10. My father has picked up some decent bucks on his trailcams, including one that may be a shooter. Hoping to find out in person this weekend when our muzzleloader season opens. Hope everyone is getting some quality time in the woods!
  11. Love that split brow buck! Good luck this weekend and let us know how it goes.
  12. I did have several folks who said they'd be happy to let me hunt, but that they'd already given permission to someone else (in many cases, someone who bought the landowner tags they'd applied for). But it did work out and I agree it's too bad it's once in a lifetime. Who knows, maybe I'll call some of them back up in a future year to see if they'd let me bow hunt after their landowner tag hunters head home. Good luck this coming weekend!
  13. Jeramie, I did have to talk to quite a few people and chase various leads before I finally found someone that would let me hunt. Found 3/4 section the day before the season opened, but wouldn't you know it there were two bucks and several does on it and I made the shot just 30 minutes into the first morning's hunt! So it all came together in the end. BTW we tagged out in Wyoming over the weekend, too. I'm back home and processing meat. Next up, muzzleloader whitetails in about three weeks.