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About mehunter

  • Birthday 07/18/1963


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  • user_name_impex

mehunter's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. That's a nice looking deer.
  2. Leaving first thing tomorrow morning for a moose hunt in zone 8 in Northern Maine.:gunsmilie:
  3. varmint als has all the sounds and they are free
  4. Maine would have to be about a -1. No jobs, the air base is closing, it is very anti business and high taxes.....Just to name a few negatives.
  5. Your best bet will be to put out some baits. Take a 5 gallon pail, put a small chain in the middle like a candle wick, fill it with meat scraps and some water and let it freeze. Remove it from the bucket once it has frozen solid and chain it off to a tree. If they are in the area they will usually find it within a couple days.
  6. I would consider making your own. Sound and sequences can be down loaded for free, and you will spend less than $100.00.
  7. Some fine individual decided to set off a buck bomb and throw it through the open sunroof of my friends car while she was at the mall, and I was looking to see if anyone may have any suggestions on a way to help with the odor.
  8. Just trying to post a picture