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Spike (1/7)



  1. I have 4 big turkey breast that I have ground into burger. I would like to make jerky out of it just using a jerky gun and a dehydrater. Any suggestions on seasoning, and has anyone ever done this. just sounded like a good way to use a little meat.
  2. Re: Rutting IL, Bucks. That eight is unreal, good luck with that brute
  3. Re: Just not Fair (pic) that sucks...**** of a deer
  4. Re: 4 days till illinois gun season!! McDonough
  5. Re: Saturdays hunt wow too bad that top buck didn't come closer, but congrats are in order anyway, nice doe..keep at it.
  6. Re: ILL. deer harvest pins thanks I thought the list was a lot shorter than that!
  7. Re: 140\" or better.. How many have U seen in your life I have been hunting for 11 years and seen around 15 different ones. I have shot 3 that go into the 150's and 2 that are in the high 130's.
  8. Re: got a double last weekend! Pics heck of a weekend congrats!
  9. Re: Pope and Young or not? yep
  10. Re: First BowKill... thats awesome I am yet to get a turkey with my bow.
  11. Re: 10-5-06 IL 11 Point He was sgot in IL and I think he is 4 1/2 but that is just a guess
  12. I shot this deer on the very first day I hunted this year. Luck was definately on my side too. I decided I was not going to go to my honey hole until the rut hit so I went to the only other place I have to hunt. I usually never see very many deer at this particular farm and I rarely ever see anything worth shooting. Long story short I set up a stand at 2:30 in the afternoon. I went back into town for a drink and was back up in the same stand at 5:00. At about 6:00 deer started to file into the field. It was a group of 9 bucks. 3 two and a 1/2 year olds 5 little basket racks and this guy. He came almost directly to my stand. At 30 yards he turned broadside and I let my new switchback XT do the rest of the work. He ran about 50 yards to the middle of the field and piled up. I admit this was pretty lucky, but I will take a little bit of luck anyday. He has 11 scoreable points and grossed 151 5/8. Code:
  13. bowhnter16

    Acivity in IL?

    Re: Acivity in IL? I shot an 11 point on the 5th. Got lucky I guess. I have only been out a couple of times because of work, but plan on going out the next two days because I am off I will keep you posted and I will post a pic on the 11 point soon he scored 151 5/8
  14. Re: We interupt this bowseason to bring you....... I feel ya it is 90 right now
  15. Re: Post your BIGGEST shed!!! Code: These are my 3 biggest the one in front is 83 inches, the set goes 85 and 87 I think, still waiting to break the 90 inch mark!