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Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Have only shot one though - a big spike in MI. Student in IN now, soon graduating.
Good at finding them live. Better at finding deads than sheds.
21 yrs old, deer nut since 12. From the land of huge bucks, and have seen my fare share to prove it.
Mr_Dynamite's Achievements
very nice find. I am yet for one this year, but I found at least 4 bucks last year. First wrap the antlers in clear kitchen food wrap, then tape over all this with packaging tape. One mount I did I even covered this with duck tape. Take a garbage bag and put it on/over the antlers, and with a second one put the skull in it. (Don't skin it first) Take and put this whole thing, then, under your deck, or some where out of the sun, and in the shade the bugs will take care of getting into the bag and eating the junk. When you open the bag in May, all you will have to do is peel off some dried on yuck and brush off some hair and whiten the thing. The tape and such on the antlers keeps the color (learned that after my first one) and the bag helps the bugs and rotting to go nicely (learned from my second) and putting it under the deck or chaining it to a post or tree keeps the stupid neighbor's dog from running off with it (learned that this summer with a little one I did not really care about) Don't bury it in the ground, and it will not stink through the bags. I have really had mixed results with putting it in a bucket of water and letting it sit. It makes the skull all loose. I have never tried boiling it. I have done a number of them now like this and the end result is excellent, and does not cost you a dime. Just some time and picking at it.
POST MORE PICS! We are ready! :yes:
Post more pictures of it in the woods!
Hey, also from London. Haven't been on here in quite a while though. Mostly visit the Excalibur Crossbow forum - lots of Ontario guys there. I Have not seen the bucks paying the does too much mind. I had a doe come charging out of the woods on Sat and stop 25 yrds in front of me peering back into the woods she came out of. Finally he came out - a nice big 8, but at 72 yards...and he did not even look at her! Just passed by! After dark a buck came through the woods behind be and worked a scrape 40 yrds behind me, then passed by at under 20 yrds, but was too dark to even see what he was. Southwest corner of London
We did a 3 hr walk looking in the area where he found that 4 pt and found NOTHING. Only thing we found was a thick 1.5 yr old buck that got hit by a train. 2 pt on one side, big lumpy spike on the other. Saw many deer, none with racks, and walked up on a huge rackless buck who had been watching me. He was in a brushy bedding area with many does. They all ran off but he stayed hidden, and let me come to within 20 feet - before I saw him - and when I stopped to get a picture of him he got up and ran off. Would have made a nice picture with how huge and close he was. Wish he could tell me where his antlers are! The guys with me also found a rub so fresh that the bark from the tree was on top of the snow! We will get out and find something yet.
Friend of mine found a nice 4 pt in North Western IN while driving down the road. Base was sticking up out of the snow, nothing else showing. His first one, and he has been going nuts trying to find one. 10 in G2, nice long beam
As of Feb 9+10 two big buck sightings I heard of had horns. As of Feb 20 nothing was to be seen but antlerless deer, and one big buck - sporting no antlers. I am pretty sure he was the same one we saw on Feb 9. North West Indiana
place I had permission on 2 years back had a story like that. Owners house was right on the edge of a ravine. One day he heard a chainsaw down on his land. He walked toward it, but it stopped before he got there. He kept on going, and came uppon the head, guts and legs of a deer. Poacher had shot it with a bow, used a chainsaw to cut off the head and legs, gutted it, then packed out the torso on the back of his 4wheeler.
Re: Found Dead Deer Today 10 Pt Love the color on the rack found one just like it on Dec 26 myself
Re: FAWNS!!! my cousin saw one on sat in a tiny urban bush lot. mother was one of 4 does that are staying put and loseing fear of humans even though houses are being built on 2 of 4 sides of this rather small bush. i saw one 2 years ago in that very bush on June 9. a little buck curled up, almost stepped on him. cyotes got him 2 days later. just killed him and walked off, tryin to get a turkey that had chicks too.
Re: update on my last post hey for about 4 or 5 trips there my fam found something every time! only one good one yet but i have gone to only one honey hole so far
Re: Matched Sets of Sheds. my uncle found a set this past Sun (his first antlers to speak of). Medium size 8 pt but VERY THICK 1 tines up, 1 down, and 5 ft apart i found a nice 4 pt w/ a boxy beam and split g2, and have looked allover for the other, and i cant find it either!
well i did go back on thursday to the same area, and my little brother found one, his first, and he was prety excited, but then my little sister wanted to find one too. now ive helped my dad and brother find one, now its her turn. his shed was a small and weird one. would have gone almost straight up off its head, and it is a 4 pt with the G1 broken off. oddest part is how tall the beam is. it is not very thick, but very tall. (picture a moose antler, but much smaller) i went out yesterday to another nice bush but it was raining, and i had to cross a creek to get in. walking on a log over 15 feet of creek that is deep, strong, cold and 1 ft below you is always fun, but when it is raining, it is almost stupid. so i didnt stay long of the far side, but did find a small antler from last year that is totaly chewed up. it looks like a big wishbone this is my first really chewed up antler, and dad asked me why i even bothered to bring it home, and i dont even know myself, other than i love antlers!
Re: Wahoo! First shed of 06\' looks very similar to one i found last year. 27 in beam, 6 in circum at burr 11in G2. a very hevy shed. i also found one of his rubs on a huge pine tree
hey guys dont get on here often any more, but thought id tell you all about my first shed this year. went out yesterday to a local park where there are many deer. i met a guy who told me last time he was walkin his dogs there he met a guy who had a couple of sheds, and told him he comes every year and finds a few. well i have been here before but never searched hard, and when i heard that i thought, there they all go. well i saw that guys tracks everywhere i went, and lots of deer tracks too, but no sheds. i went thru all the pine patches, and finally was walking on a deer trail headed to cross the road. There were even tracks of that guy who had been looking before me. then there right on the path was this little shed. there must have been too much snow for the other guy to see it, but now it was stickin out right infront of me. Nothin to be to proud of, just a little main frame 4 pt, but w/ no G1, so a 3 pt. pretty small, but not bad for the first one of the season. i think it might have been from a 1.7 yr old buck (i hope-cuz he will either get much bigger or i was wrong and have poor genetics) below the G2 there is a little knob that might become a drop tine one day too. gunna go back thursday to look for another small one or two, then look for big stuff!