Hi everyone! I gave some thanks on a previous thread but I wanted to make a separate post to thank those who made Dakota's hunt possible.
Thanks so much to Steve and Rilda Beilgard for their hospitality, and for Steve's expert guidance and encouragement! A big thanks also to those who helped on the hunt: Jeff and Kaeden, Justin and Christina, Tom, Bill, David Maas (from North American Hunting Club) and Ernie, and of course, Matt and Bear.
Thanks again to each of you on the forums for your prayers, calls, cards, gifts, and visits for Dakota during his surgery and recovery, and to Steve (BowtechTurkeyHunter) for organizing the forum fundraiser for Dakota, which helped to make it possible for Dakota's mom to come on this trip! She really had the time of her life seeing her son bag a huge bull elk! Thanks to Steve and Kimberly (Bowtechs Wife) and Brian (rifleman25) for coming to the fundraiser to represent all of you on the forum.
Thanks to Savage firearms for donating a rifle, and to David Blanton for donating a scope to Dakota for his hunt!
Thanks to Billkay for writing a wonderful story about Dakota on the Real Tree website!
And THIS TRIP WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED without Tina Pattison at Hunt of a Lifetime! Thank you so much Tina!!
And of course, we thank and praise our heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, for providing this opportunity for Dakota, and for bringing just the right bull at just the right time, and for guiding Dakota's shot.
I know that I probably have forgotten someone or something in my thanks, and I greatly apologize if I left anyone out! We are so grateful to you all and are proud to call you friends!
Chuck, Jennifer, and Dakota Case