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  1. i went hunting over the weekend and i shot a deer and i couldnt find it my dad and brother thinks i shot it in the leg
  2. money maker by pharrell and ludacris !!!!!!!!
  3. hey everyone i just found out that my little sister is in the hospital and has to have surgery tomorrow so if u could plz pray for her i would really appreciate it she is in a wheelchair like me and her feet are messed up idk how to explain it and now they are infected
  4. sad

    i'll be there

    i'll be there if anyone wants to chat
  5. sad


    anyone wanna talk to me in the chatroom?
  6. i know i was just askin
  7. anyone 16-17 single here?
  8. sad

    red white and boom

    its gonna be in the back parking lot at rupp arena in lexington kentucky
  9. sad

    red white and boom

    hey is anyone going to red white and boom wednesday in kentucky?
  10. i wish i could get in on that but im only 16 gah
  11. sad

    Chat Room Open

    so we havent got a chatroom anymore?
  12. sad

    game websites

    hey does anyone know any good game websites i can play on for free any hunting or anything
  13. sad

    17th birthday

    yea i know what u mean
  14. sad

    17th birthday

    hey everyone im gonna be 17 in 2 months im lookin forward to it