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Everything posted by mike

  1. Re: Is this right? 300 accres is a canned hunt to me.JMO but if you ask me 30,000 acres fenced in is not free range either,if theres a fence period there is nothing free about it. i have been looking for a hog hunt myself nd we are thinking texas. this website we saw is advertised all over the internet. but i never asked about fences,i'll go check and find the site
  2. Re: 9/11 call from the World Trade Towers..... always remember,never forget,and God bless our troops!!!!!!
  3. mike

    i am fried

    it was 97 degrees with 90 some percent humidity today and i worked on the south side of a house all day!!!!!!! can't wait for it to cool down a bitt. sounds like mid week it might storm then cool down a bit
  4. Re: I would like everyone to see this doe i agree she needs to be in a better place, call the game comission and email a pic and just get it done if you can with a deer like that they won't fine you even if you do it and call them back to come get it
  5. Re: a few sweet trailcam pics i have a pic of the exact same place with no deer in it in day light and it is not sticks or weeds but it could be the camera or flashback or something
  6. Re: plots lookin good natures own !! www.habitatseeds.com. this sight is great. you can make your own mix. they sell all the seed that everyone use in tha mixes and fairly cheap.like if you look at whats in biologic for example or any of those mixes you can buy all those individual seeds and mix your own if you find that you like part of the mix but not others or add something to them that might attract them more.
  7. Re: plots lookin good deer turnips (60% purple top turnips 40% hunter barriscas) and cow peas
  8. this lil fawn cracks me up!! and i am kinda proud of brow tines here i posted this pic earlier on the deer hunting forum for some advice . i still see bone on the head of that back deer but not everyone does so tell me what ya think. anyways thought you would enjoy the fawn and who gets sick of lookin at bucks!!!!!
  9. Re: Should us hunters be worried!!!! looks like a cute movie but it seems to make hunters out as the bad guys!!
  10. Re: hog hunting nothin yet
  11. Re: pic post question it worked thanks a ton i got some plot pics in landmanagement lookin good. don't know if i transfered the pics the easy way but i managed. do you just have to keep using the back and forward arrows to get from pic post to the forum post or is there an easier way?
  12. wish the big plot looked this good its pretty weedy and can't get the tractor back in there with the crops in wish our big plot turned out this good its pretty weedy
  13. Re: pic post question thanks guys i'll try again see what happens
  14. Re: Luke as an MP thats funny,sorry luke
  15. Re: pic post question tried again and it only transfers one pic,i was tryin to put three or four pics of or plot on the post it just gets the last one i copied??
  16. how do you get more than one pic on your post. i can only seem to get one for some reason
  17. mike

    Bow Mishaps

    Re: Bow Mishaps my first bow it was a reflex big horn from bass pro and it was only 4 yrs old
  18. just checked the cams and its got me giddy! look close at he deer behind and tell me what you think i think it looks like a big buck but can't tell for sure
  19. mike

    Bow Mishaps

    Re: Bow Mishaps took a shot and it sounded like a gun went off!!! scared the heck outa me and looked at my bow and both limbs had cracked about 8 inches down
  20. Re: whats everyone up to today? stayin out of the heat i just pulled the camper home and its miserable outside here!!
  21. Re: SPEAKING OF OLD DOGS ...(OJR comes to mind) its still uncle red!!!!!!!!!!!lmbo
  22. i think this wha thing is ridiculous {spelling} and i would like to know where realtree stands on this the last sight i saw on this listed the sponsors against it and i did not see them. I think paintballing is left for the fun not hunting? is this whole thing a can of worms or do you think this is an issue
  23. Re: Did anybody get the new.... i spent a ton of money there the last 2yrs and ain't got one thats bull
  24. mike

    i know i know

  25. this will probably get moved but i am shootin a new fronteir bear tooth mag muzzleloader and i like it but i hear alot about new england handi rifles and i have one in 273 cal and i can get a 50 cal ml barrel for less than 100 bucks any opinions