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Everything posted by mike

  1. mike

    home 4 the nite

    Re: home 4 the nite still go to work everyday its only 10 miles from home but being there is just relaxing at night
  2. mike

    Honesty pays off

    Re: Honesty pays off glad to hear it horst and honesty is always the best!! you'd have a hard time lookin that man in the eye again if he ever had ya do some more work! where ya from? from one iowan 2 another ya did the right thing thats something to be proud of! i am by ames and sometimes i get a call for a side job i can't handle alone if your close!
  3. mike

    home 4 the nite

    been campin for 7 days and came home to catch up the house chores and laundry,and ofcourse here!! then back through sunday. havin a blast. got in a round of golf and played a bunch of bean bags.
  4. Re: REALTREE\'S OLD DOG holy cow its red green!!!!!!! lmbo or am i the only one with pbs tv
  5. Re: I just ordered this one... i have one with the 243 bull barrel and i love it,thinkin bout ordering the muzzleloader barrel for it too
  6. if u had an abundance of sheep dip from a buddies farm would ya use it before you plant like disc it in? i have heard there is undigested seed in it and will start the weeds or alfafa or what ever they grazed on. thought natural fertilizer was best
  7. Re: Lets see those pics(hair) real fly boys are in the navy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Re: Lets see those pics(hair) wow uncle steve i think i will have nightmares....rotflmbo
  9. Re: Lets see those pics(hair) how bout he navy fin?
  10. mike

    Well I did it again

    Re: Well I did it again sorry man i know what bad knees are i got 2 of them,mostly miniscus and its gone i might have to have a replacement soon!
  11. mike

    Wish Me Luck

    Re: Wish Me Luck wish the best for you good luck on the results!!!!!!!!!
  12. mike

    Barber or Salon

    Re: Barber or Salon [ QUOTE ] my bathroom...i buzz it myself... [/ QUOTE ] difinatley shavin it for years now bet i paid 4 my new bow by not havin hair!!!!!!!!!lmbo shave it before it can turn gray or fall out!!!
  13. Re: Quality Beginner bow? check the classifieds on this sight before you buy someting i wish i would have some good deals in there
  14. mike


    well guys goin campin tomorrow night till sunday or maybe the next sunday we will see!! the kids love it! try to get some pics of the new camper,if you all wanna see how i rough it!
  15. mike

    nice to get home

    Re: nice to get home its not the easiest life but got the passion. been doin it most of my life and still love it
  16. Re: Stand location help check all inside corners of the timber and the food they seem to be real hot spots. JMO
  17. mike


    if you throw bread and it lands butter side down,and you throw a cat and it lands on its feet, what happens if you tie buttered bread,butter side up to the back of a cat?
  18. Re: Tell it like it is \"Duke\" (*pic*) we are becoming the minority and quick!!!!!!!!!! sorry had to say it
  19. mike

    My New Decal

    Re: My New Decal i got 15 bucks for the printing!!!!!!! lol how much 4 the shippin and handling i gotta have one!!! then you didn't sell the name, just your labor gettin it to us! i geuss better get the okay first but put me on the list. nice work you should be on rt salary!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. about 4-6 of us are tryin to go to texas to hunt boar. does anyone have any suggestions? we found some outfitters but it sounds like texas is having population troubles and needs some cleared out just wondering if anyone in texas would llike to set up some kind of hunt
  21. mike

    nice to get home

    we were installing soffit and facia all day on the south side of a building and it was 98 today with 95% humidity you could see the moisture in the air. i love air conditioning. how was your day?
  22. Re: Whisker Biscuit? so is there something wrong with a biscut? i like your question,i went to one for the same reason!! the only thing i noticed is you need to over glue the front of your vanes alittle so they don,t get loose. or does this cause troubles? i don't know. but the arrow not droppin in the rest or bumping it off when drawin or turnin in the stand seems priceless
  23. Re: Deer burger don't waste your money buying beef burger to mix with it!! call your locker or grocier that cuts meet and buy the fat trimings. mix it bout 80 deer to 20 beef trimmins and or fat. you can't tell the difference between the deer or beef
  24. Re: Let\'s do hot sauce.......... daytonas crash and burn or this stuff i got from sportsmans warehouse called red savania. it will tear it up. 400 -500,000 heat units compared to 5,000 in a jelapeno. must use in moderation! lol
  25. UBB35-ML-996352-ML-