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About murphy617

  • Birthday 06/17/1982


  • Location
  • Occupation
    cabianet maker
  • Interests
    deer and waterfowl hunting,jeeps,family and friends
  • user_name_impex
    Jared Murphy

murphy617's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. congrats to you and your friend on the deer and the tracking job!!! are you guys on state or private land in ct???
  2. sorry to hear about your friends buck. where are you guys located in ct??? i'm in wolcott/waterbury.
  3. seeing that doe would keep me coming back to that spot!!! where are you located in ct?, i'm in the waterbury area. good luck this season!!!
  4. i hope one like that walks by me on thursday, i'm not to far from where this buck was taken!!! congrats to the hunter!!!
  5. murphy617

    What Bow

    just bought a mathews sxitchback xt and will never by a different brand again!!!
  6. thanks for all the info everybody!!!!!
  7. i got a trail camera for christmas and want to try it out in my back yard. seasons over for me in ct, but i'd like to see what i can get pics of. do any of you put feed down to attract deer or any other critters, if so, what is the best stuff to use????
  8. murphy is my last name and 617 is for june 17, my b-day.
  9. thanks for the info everyone!!!
  10. i've never paid much attention to politics, i know a little from high school, but don't talk about it to much because it always seems to start arguments where i'm from. my question is... as an avid outdoorsman (conservationest), which political party is more suporting to what outdoorsman are about??? i hope this does not start any arguments!!! any info is welcomed! thanks, jared
  11. x2!!! saw it the other night with my girlfriend and we both thought it was a great movie.
  12. cell phone in left, keys and chap stick in right. wallet in right rear.
  13. awsome doe!!! what kind off lift? is it done in camo?
  14. was down there in may and it was awsome!!!! wish i could go back more often!