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  • Birthday 06/16/1978


  • Location
    Allamakee county Iowa,
  • Occupation
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  • Biography
    Not much to say, I am a Auctioneer and when I am not doing that I live and breathe Deer hunting.

NEIOWAARCHER's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Yesterday's Technology, Yes. So don't try to fix something that isn't broke.
  2. Well I have to say that I not going to argue this forever. I can see that we have different opinions on this subject and probably always will have. I respect your side and will leave it at that if your willing to also. I can see your angle of view but I maintain my opinion. Sometime we will have to debate some more. Its been fun challanging eachothers thoughts. . I respect you for standing up for what you think is right. Later, for now, NEIOWAARCHER.
  3. First Off the "ANTI'S' don't care if they make me mad, what makes them so much better that I have to be careful what I put in front of them. Why should I have to apologize to them for doing something I love to do. I won't do it. Example, I am not a Vegitarian, I don't like Vegan lifestyles, I think they are harming themselves and there children that they brainwash into following there lifestyle. Therefore I pay no attention to them. Although if one of them was to try to rub there ways in my face I would plainly ignore them. I do not go out and support anti-veg demonstrations. I don't apologize to them and I don't expect them to apologize to me for there beliefs.
  4. And SHOCK is what gets peoples attention. And whats not OK about taking 4 deer at one spot if it is legal. It is doing exactly what we are in order to do, control the herd. Controling herd and sportsmaship is what its about. Not who can get the biggest or has the most expensive equipment. I personally am getting sick of listening to all of the politically correct hunters in this country. I am Old School. I liked it alot better when hunting was what I learned it to be. Families and freinds getting together to hunt and have a good time, and they didn't have to listen to someone whinne about people being offeneded by the hunt and when everyone worked together for common good. Istead of singling out someone thats on our side and ridiculeing them for there outspokeness. Keep telling it how it is.
  5. If you think you need the same stuff that the commercial producers use, you can get that at any Pool or Hot-tub store. They carry super concentrate peroide. It's 27% rather that 3%. That is really the only difference. I too have been using this recipe for a few years. I had used HS for years before that. Can't say that I have seen any difference in the two. Works great for me.

    Bow Storage

    I don't store mine. I shoot it year round.
  7. I don't have a 7400, but I have it's for runner the 740 in a .30-06. I has been a truly reliable gun. I know the 7400's are very similar in design. I also know a few guys that hunt with them and never heard any complaint out of them. Over al I think there a pretty good gun.
  8. I have an idea, lets buy a large island off of some cost in the middle of no where and ship all the Dems and Illegals in America down there. They can all stand around a camp fire and sing happy-happy joy songs while the rest of us run this country like it should be ran...... Ill throw in $100 to get it started, whos with me? I'll give $500 for that.
  9. I hope Iowa is the next to jump on that wagon. Sound like a great bill to pass.
  10. It all depends on where you hunt. And it also depends on what your hunting.
  11. I have a shellfish allergy. I love shrimp. If I eat them I swell up like a balloon. Mostly my neck. I still eat them once in a while. But my wife has to keep a eye on me all night so my throat don't sweel shut.
  12. We'll be out in SD in May 18th-20th. I be my first trip out. I think it will be a great time. Hope you have a blast. Good luck.
  13. Re: Where do you buy Check out MIDWAYUSA.COM. Thats where I have been buying from.
  14. Re: mushroom time is here, picture included Oh yeah, Great find. Can't wait until there popping here.