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mrswtnhunt last won the day on November 25 2016

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About mrswtnhunt

  • Birthday 05/02/1975


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  • Occupation
    Registered Nurse
  • Interests
    Deer Hunting, horseback riding
  • user_name_impex

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12-Pointer (6/7)



  1. Thanks guys. So, I got this guy pretty early Saturday morning. It was a perfect morning, My husband, wtnhunt, walked me to the stand and within a minute after getting in the stand there was a deer moving out in the field below me. Couldn't make it out because it was too dim. about 7:30am a small spike came right in front of me about 30 yards away, he never knew I was there. He went through fence and left field. Then about 7:50am there were 7 does that came along the same path the spike went and fed in the beans and field out in front of me for about 10 minutes...then suddenly they all went to full alert looking towards my right...there he was, coming along the fence about 250 yards away. He was following a fence that ran parallel to me heading straight towards the does. I settle my scope on the 50cal Accura to a spot where there is a he steps into the scope about 140 yards away, I squeeze the trigger. He juts forward about 30 yards and stops.... CRAP!! Did I miss him? I reload as fast as I can and he turns broadside giving me another shot.....BAM!! He drops his head and goes out of view. I message hubby and he comes to help me look for blood. We found hair where the deer was with my first shot then we find blood. After following blood for about 80 yards, something jumps up and takes off.....we back out and wait about an hour.....we go back and about another 40 yards there he was. Turns out, I hit him both times...first time was a little back and second time was in the neck. Just want to say how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband that supports me in my hunting efforts. Wtnhunt….YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
  2. Checking in from West Tennessee, I will be mostly hunting during muzzleloader season which starts November 9th. That is usually when I have my best luck. Good luck to everyone and stay safe out there.
  3. NO THANK YOU!!! I think I would rather have the girls......just sayin!!
  4. Finally got one, he's not the biggest but he will help fill the freezer. 6 scoreable points, he had a 7th point that is busted off. more pics in the entry thread.
  5. Hey guys, just taking a break from the stand to check in, we are in full rut here, ive seen lots of deer and had a real nice 9 pt within range but he never offered a shot. Temps are supposed to take a nose dive here tomorrow so I plan on being in the stand all day. Wish me luck!!
  6. Congratulations Frank, nice doe and welcome to the team Marty. So pumped for this season!!
  7. Hey guys, checking in here. I think we have an awesome team line up this year. Just a couple weeks till bow season for us here in Tennessee. Good luck to everybody and stay safe out there.
  8. Welcome to the forums. Sounds like your brother will be a great start. I learned everything from my husband (wtnhunt), Best advice I can give is to do a lot of just sitting and watching, spend as much time in the woods/on the water as you can just observing how the animals are acting. Learning their patterns, when they move and which direction they are going. And most of all, be patient with yourself and enjoy nature. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, it takes all the fun and enjoyment out of being in the great outdoors. Good luck out there and please keep us updated on how you are doing out there.