On December 19th, 2009, I was in a single vehicle rollover. The road curved, and the driver I was with fell asleep at the wheel, and we went straight off the curve, hit a canal going into a lake, rolled end over end three times and rolled sideways once over a rock embankment. I was wearing my seatbelt, and I was asleep in the passenger seat. My friend was not wearing his seatbelt, was ejected from the car, had a brain bleed, a cracked sternum, and dislocated his elbow. I dislocated the radius bone in my right arm, fractured it by the base and shattered part of my funny bone. I had surgery on Jan. 20th, 2010. My friend is back at home, and is doing very well. My question is I have a limited budget and I need to get a new fishing rod and reel. I haven't been able to work since the accident, and I only have about $200 to my name until my insurance money comes. The sport and leisure show (an outdoors tradeshow) is beginning this weekend and I was wondering if anyone knew of a decent rod and reel that can be used with minimal stress on the elbow. I Need to reel right handed for a year, as I will be doing physio and am not allowed to work my elbow too hard or i will need reconstructive surgery again.
Any help is appreciated!
God bless,