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4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. For me to get full coverage on my 1998 Silverado 1500 4x4 it was 82 a month from when I bought it at 17 until I turned 20, now it's 78 a month..
  2. 16" steel offsets :clap: lol. I cant help with the big rims, i'm a firm believer in less rim more rubber
  3. What's everyone's favorite truck? My favorite is my 98 chevy 1500 4x4, 330,000km and still running strong. My only fear is that one day it just won't start. I won't have to worry abouyt getting another one for a while, reliable chevy's!
  4. The two deer I shot this year, The mulie is a 2x2 I shot with my bow and the Whitetail is a 4x4 I shot on the opening day of the season. I have to get tag pics yet, and I don't think my 4x4 counts because we didn't get any pictures before it was skinned
  5. I shot my mule deer last weekend I will have them on the computer later this week
  6. Yeah, there are quite a few good bucks taken from saskatchewan, but I live in the central part which has a higher population and alot more hunting pressure. I haven't seen many big bucks yet this year, but I think that its because the weather is so warm that the deer aren't moving. However, when I was driving to lanigan last night to go visit with some friends I saw a hog of a mulie... Too bad I haven't seen anything like that when I'm out hunting!
  7. I got put on this team recently, but I don't get on the computer everyday. I hunt in central Saskatchewan, right now it's bow season and I'm trying for a mule deer. In November rifle season starts for whitetail and I will be doing that also. I've seen lots of good bucks so far out of the farm machinery during harvest, so hopefully the weather stays hot so we can finish mudding the crop off and get to hunting!
  8. Might I ask where a guy could find a horn like that? How much did it set you back? I see one getting put onto a silverado in the near future
  9. Post Script: We have mostly pike and walleye up here, not many perch, and only go for lakers once every two or three years
  10. On December 19th, 2009, I was in a single vehicle rollover. The road curved, and the driver I was with fell asleep at the wheel, and we went straight off the curve, hit a canal going into a lake, rolled end over end three times and rolled sideways once over a rock embankment. I was wearing my seatbelt, and I was asleep in the passenger seat. My friend was not wearing his seatbelt, was ejected from the car, had a brain bleed, a cracked sternum, and dislocated his elbow. I dislocated the radius bone in my right arm, fractured it by the base and shattered part of my funny bone. I had surgery on Jan. 20th, 2010. My friend is back at home, and is doing very well. My question is I have a limited budget and I need to get a new fishing rod and reel. I haven't been able to work since the accident, and I only have about $200 to my name until my insurance money comes. The sport and leisure show (an outdoors tradeshow) is beginning this weekend and I was wondering if anyone knew of a decent rod and reel that can be used with minimal stress on the elbow. I Need to reel right handed for a year, as I will be doing physio and am not allowed to work my elbow too hard or i will need reconstructive surgery again. Any help is appreciated! God bless, Alex
  11. Well, we had gotten drawn for mulies in zone 41 this year. My brother and I each missed a not too bad buck on opening day. Then the next saturday, Dad told us to go for the mornign drive, since it had been a late night in the combines and nobody woke up for the hunt. We drove north east of the yard for ten minutes, and we saw five does and a big bodied deer we thought was a decent buck. Since the land was hunting on foot only and neither of us was worried about shooting a deer, or wanted to gut it, we decided to drive along the fenceline in the field beside it. We parked and they were about 300 yards away. I looked at the buck through my scope and told my brother I was gonna take him, since I worked all week and the next weekend. I put the crosshairs on his shoulder, and when he stopped and looked at me, I pulled the trigger, and just as I did so, he took a step forward, and dropped. I had shot him through the guts. The shot was 250 yards. As I walked up to him I counted five points on either side, and a 1-inch drop tine on one side. Definately my biggest buck to date, and Dad didn't get to shoot the antler off this mulie! And my brother shot his first deer on his own two days later
  12. This was my first buck In the field with Grandpa A better view of the nontypical points
  13. I shot a mulie doe a september 18th or so... won't enter it cause I'm [retty sure I'll shoot a big buck this year yet
  14. I'm here I'm here. I have no computer at the farm so I'll post during school or at a friend's or something. I started bowhunting on the first and I'm onto a boonie mule deer. Almost hit him with the truck when I was pulling the bale wagon into town. I'll be gunnin for him tonight again.