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About sskybnd

  • Birthday 01/09/1961


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sskybnd's Achievements


12-Pointer (6/7)



  1. Hey team I still here, the rest of the year is a 6 day a week, so im limited to sunday's only till the first of the year, congrats to every one that's got a deer
  2. Hey team I killed a doe yesterday, as soon as a figure out how to sent it here I will
  3. It's been hot here, but starting to cool of this morning was 47, I got to hunt 5 sits so far this season, opening morning I did shoot about a 300 lb hog, seen deer on ever sit, I made a good hit in a doe last Saturday at 20 yards I don't get much penatration a d we couldn't find any blood, I was using something that looked like a rage, and they think it didn't open when it hit, but the season still early,
  4. Ours has started, sat was great shot about a 300 lbs hog, as I was looking for the hog I slipped in on 8 deer eating accorns, in my bottums, but never had a shot,
  5. Hey I know this is a good team, I've seen the deer both of you have killed, I look forward to seeing what we kill this year,
  6. robert pinckard sskybnd 56 ark archery sept 29 to feb 28 2018
  7. sskybnd

    Touchy topic

    yes there are some very good points in the topic and some pros and cons, whats ethical for me might not be for another, or is it becouse each state has its own regs on whats legal or not. IF i can bait and you can not thats my state saying its legal to do so, but lets also look at why this might be legal in one state versus another. some states have qwd, baiting in that state would allow an infected deer and non infected deer to eat from the [say the same pile of corn] thus possiblity infecting more deer. or there is an over abundant number of deer that the states feels that would be a better chance at harvesting a deer or so my state allows u to take 6 deer a year, there are states that allow more, Heres where split the band wagon, IF its moral and ethical for you i'm not to judge you, your conscious has to be your guide. and yes technology has grown leaps and bound sense we started hunting, and to each his own on how much they feel will benefit them, i do use what i need to help me successed, im strictly a bow hunter now, and shot my last buck many years ago with a 270 at 175 yards he never knew i was around, i will never downgrade a hunter for using a gun, to me something inside of me died that i didnt have to use my skills as a hunter on trying to beat him at his game, ie his smell, his sight, his hearing, to me what sport is it to shoot an animal 6 to 7 hundred yards with our new technology, im a meat hunter formost i dont have a problem harvesting does over horns , my personal high is when using all my learning and what technology thats available to me have an animal so close you can see the wet on its nose, as for poachers i have no use for, to me they are thieves, there are to many people in this world [ in my opinion that would help some person in need]
  8. sskybnd

    66 More Days!

    We have 44 days to opener, but I'm not ready either, I got my big mike blind in a few days ago, one thing about a timber company they won't cut 50 yards either side of a creek, which is my only spot to put out a blind or stand and it's a white oak bottom, so I feel confident in the area.
  9. Being I haven't hunted in 2 years, I feel pretty good about it, think leaving my little hunting area alone for a while, Ive done some scouting early this year and found a lot of last years scrapes,
  10. Ours is the same 2 bucks and 4 does, or 6 does, normally it's putting meat in the freezer the first week or 2
  11. I can feel your pain, I lost 2 leases in the last 2 years, not that I couldn't have kept them, it was becouse they cut all the trees off. They took all my stands last year, 2 ladder stands and 3 lock ons, I'm down to 1 lease left a 168 acre one last year they cut 100 acres of it, got a call yesterday that starting next week they will be in there to finish harvesting the trees, but I'm thinking I'm not letting it go and maybe in a few years it might be ok once the trees get atleast waist high.
  12. I'm still here, been a few years but still around
  13. Il start next week, I have a lot to catch up, haven't hunted in 2 years, been kinda heart broken from hunting, had 2 of my leases totally cut and had 4 ladder stands 5 lock ons and a 10 ft quod pod stolen, every ones tryed to get me to hunt using their stuff but it isn't the same as owning yours. But I have a new lease and have new stuff coming from sportsmans guide and am anticipating this year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Don't feel bad it's been a few years since I've been on here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk