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Everything posted by huntdux

  1. This story may get long, but it's worth it if you've ever been here. October 30, my wife and I were bow hunting and we had not seen much so at 11:00, I text her that we were leaving at 11:30. I never do this but, at 11:26 I text her back and told her I was getting down. We are only about 50 yards apart so I can see her pretty good. I watch her lower her bow to the ground as I get my stuff ready to go and as I'm about to put my sling on my bow I look back toward her and she is stuck to the tree looking my way. I turn around and 18 yards away is a tall 10pt. Now no big deal but I'm facing the opposite way, backpack on, arrow already in quiver, and release in my backpack. I slowly renock my arrow, I check every pocket for my release hoping that I still had it out, no luck. I grab my bow turn all the way around, standing, I have a limb in my way, so I sit down. I draw back using fingers, finally get my pins in my peep and let it go. I guess not having my release on changed my draw length enuff, I thought I shot right under him. After having a bit of a fit, I looked through my binos at my arrow and saw blood on the ground. We trailed a great blood trail for about 150 yards he must have stopped because there was a big pile of blood, then nothing. Even the hound could not find anything, needless to say my Halloween party sucked. Now to Black Friday, 7:30 am I hear a deer behind me, I turn to look and I see rack before I even see his body. It's now gun season, so I have both my gun and Z7 in the tree with me. Not sure which one to grab, but as he started my way I went with the Z7. I noticed him limping, and I thought I know who this is. As he came along a row of cedars I drew back and of course he stopped, that's when I was glad I shoot a Mathews Z7, because I had to hold for at least 1 and half minutes. He came past the cedars, but only to his neck, that's when I felt the wind on my face blowing right to him. He turned to walk out right where he came from and gave me just enuff of a shot. And the Rage did its job. He's not the biggest ever, but the story we have makes him special to me. I hit him the first time right in the bend of the front leg, 2 inches from a heart shot with fingers, I've often thought I shouldn't have taken that shot, but in the heat of the moment I did. Here he is a tall 10pt with a kicker coming off the back of his left eye guard. Thank God for this experience and the opportunity to hunt his creatures.
  2. My son shoots a Remington 870 Youth 20 ga. I have a Tru-Glo turkey choke for it. Can he shoot #00 Buckshot with this choke? Or should I keep the modified choke in there? Thank you in advance.
  3. ...or do you just take it out of the bag, throw it the dryer and start the new season?
  4. Couple of nice bucks for central Arkansas. Very nice.
  5. Buddy has some Easton Axis 340's he wantsto sell, but I shoot 400's. How different do they fly from each other ? Would it be a lot of adjustment on my sights? I shoot Hoyt Vectrix and had it chronoed at 283 fps with the 400's.
  6. I resd in the magazine about late season tips, but sometimes I would rather hear from regular hunters like myself. What are some things that have worked for you in the past? Food?(Corn, Rice Bran, Acorn Rage, Trophy Rock, etc...) Food Plot? Field Edges or heavy cover? Travel routes(trails, creek beds, road crossings, etc...) Heavy snow is not a big factor here, but will get an inch or two every once and awhile before the new year. Thanks for any advice, wish I had more answers to give to you guys. Also any tips for southeast Kansas in mid to late December?
  7. About to have some free time, depending on how long we play in the playoffs. When is the can't miss it, gotta be in the stand time in Kansas? I'm very excited to get to hunt in Kansas this year, for the the first time ever.
  8. I've never used any mock scrapes, but was thinking about making a couple around one of my stands where a buck is pretty active. I have been looking at Tinks Power Scrape spray. I'll take any and all advice.
  9. I like my truck to look like a truck, and my bow to look like a bow. They would have been better off tweaking the alphamax a little or none at all.
  10. I live in northwest arkansas, and our rut starts about the end of this month or first week of Nov. My question is, can use my Primos can for some doe bleats, and what kind of response will it get this time of year? And the same with a grunt call.
  11. Ok, I don't want to cut up any of my racks and don't have any sheds. What do you suggest?
  12. Do they sound good in the woods? How would you compare them to real antlers used for rattling?
  13. It's everything, the hunting industry is not doing any favors to hunters. They know we love to buy stuff so the prices of all gear increases every year.
  14. I went to check my camera last night and someone had beat me to it. It is on private, gated property too. I wish people would stop and think about how upset they would be if someone took their stuff. Not only a camera with some good pictures of deer on it, but I used the SD card in my digital camera to take some pictures of my kids and had not got them off there. I hope as hunters we would have each others back, but some people are just trash and they can't help themselves.
  15. Food plots are in if they don't wash away, but if you could put one thing out this year, what would it be? Accorn Rage, C'mere Deer, Deer Cocaine, Buck Bran, Salt Block, ect... Food plot is back in secluded woods.
  16. I know there are a ton of threads about broadheads, but not many on low poundage bows. My wife is shooting a Hoyt Trykon Sport at 40 lbs. I am thinking of going with the G5 Montec 85 grains. I am open to suggestions with this one, anyone have luck with something else at a light draw weight?
  17. Use Tekan II last year with great sucess. Complete pass through on big bodied 9-point. But lost one of the blades when I pulled my arrow out of the ground, but replacements are avilable. Trying new Tekan's this year because of bigger cutting diameter. Wife uses 85 grain Montec. I give them a thumbs up.
  18. I bought some new Axis from a friend and their about an inch to long, but already have the insert in them. Can I have these taken out the shaft cut down and reinserted?
  19. Thanks, I was measured a few years ago at a shop, but didn't know how they figured it. He told me 29" so I went with it, I measured tip-to-tip at 72" which puts me at 28.8". Pretty close I guess.
  20. I measure from finger tip to finger tip with my arms stretched out, right? Then do you divide that number by 2.5 or 2.25? And is their anything to add or subtract, like if you come up with 28.5 add 1/2 inch to get your true draw length, or what ever? Thanks
  21. Great Site & Great Prices I found a place called Great prices, bought a Fuse Buckhorn 3 pin site for nearly 40% less than anywhere else. They have everything. Check it out it is Indoor Outdoor Archery.
  22. Thanks guys, I shoot a Pronghorn fall-away with 29" arrows and have about 1 1/2 inch past my rest at full draw.
  23. I have a 29" draw length and shoot Easton Axis 400's and I'm thinking about having them cut down or maybe buying a new 1/2 dozen. What length arrow do some of you shoot that seems to give you good accuracy and a flatter shot.
  24. To load pictures from my cell phone to my computer so I can post them?