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    Seminole, Oklahoma

SpcNape's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. I've been out looking twice in the past week. I haven't found anything yet, but I am seeing a lot of fresh scrapes. When deer shed do the antlers become irritating and cause them to rub? If so then should I wait a little more or get out there looking?
  2. I've not been seeing any ducks... I don't know what the deal is. How is everyone else doing? Small numbers here in the Seminole area... last year we were blasting them. I hope they start moving my way!!
  3. I've been having a horrible time!! Not seeing the ducks I usually do. Don't know what's the problem.
  4. Nice bow kill!! Congratulations
  5. That's cute. He sure does look mean.
  6. Wow, that's a hog. Very nice deer man. Like the horns.
  7. Sorry to hear about the mess. That's got to be very irritating.
  8. I know your disappointed, but I wouldn't sell your stuff quite yet. My father wasn't able to hunt for 12 years while he was a missionary overseas. When he got back he regretted selling his stuff. He finally got back into hunting, and now we're getting his stuff built back up.
  9. I would have to say that teenagers are being excused from responsabilities for way too long. We teach our teenagers that "this is your time to have fun and be carefree" when I really don't believe that's the case. How is a teenager going to be a productive adult overnight? Look at George Washington, he started a business as a teen.
  10. My first gun was a Savage pump .30-.30. Great little gun!
  11. That one really tickled my funny bone. My son thought it was funny too. He's 16 mo old and he was laughing and dancing with the bear.
  12. SpcNape

    A Neat Way.....

    That is the coolest display I've seen!
  13. They look great! I'm getting in to taxidermy myself, I can't wait till I get my first mount done. I am finishing my first tail feather fan, but that stuff you did looks pretty impressive.