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Everything posted by JrFinn

  1. Well, me and Dad won our semi-final match for golf league tonight. It went into sudden death and we ended up winning on the second hole. Its been a great year for golf and hopefully we can keep it together fro one more match.
  2. JrFinn

    Happy Birthday Casey!

    Thank you all for the wishes.
  3. I got a nice knife and a very useful cap light Thanks Robert
  4. Thanks everyone, I am really proud of the buck.
  5. I think it depends on how much you are willing to spend...
  6. Tonight I sat in back off grandpa's house. He was coming in form the north so I tried to stand up and I kicked over the binocs and he jumped away. Then ten minutes later he made the mistake off coming in to eat. He ran about 80 yards and we found him.
  7. What I was doing at 11 last night...
  8. JrFinn

    Got a Doe

    Got a doe tonight, I shot it at about 15 yards at 6:30. My Rage 2 blade did a beautiful job. Double lung, she ran about 100 yards and we found her. Rage 2 blade entry hole:
  9. Hey Guys, I have sat a couple times this year already. On Tuesday I had a doe come in around 20 yards but brush was in between me and her, then as she was coming in, dad drove in with the 4-wheeler to pick me up. The doe took off. So on Wednesday I will sit around 5 and see if I can tag a doe.
  10. Hey Guys, Looks like we will have a pretty decent team this year. Looking forward to great season.
  11. Yeah I just watched it...my dad got it for Christmas, I thought it was really good. I think you have to watch the first ones before you can understand the third.
  12. One time when I was gun hunting I forgot my bullets:o so my dad, being the nice guy that he is, let my use his gun and he went home to get some more bullets. Thanks again Dad:)
  13. JrFinn

    Posts per day

    Total Posts: 302 (0.65 posts per day) This is my first post today and I'm still ahead of myself. lol
  14. Hey guys, Tonight I sat in my dads stand way up north and tagged me the big old doe. Shot it with my Power Pac bow and Muzzy broadhead.
  15. Yeah it was just snowing here for like 10 minutes. I cant wait for it to start getting really cold.
  16. Thanks for the tip, I will try that.
  17. Hey guys I was trying to mount my horns from this year and was wondering if you had any good tips for cleaning the skull? Thanks
  18. Hey guys, I went out and sat tonight and saw 3 bucks. Have you guys been seeing anything lately?