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About indianaboy

  • Birthday 11/23/1984


  • Location
    West Central Indiana
  • Interests
    Hunting uhm hunting oh yeah hunting. I also like to fish and play golf

indianaboy's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Here is the pedestal mount my dad just finished up for me. Turned out awesome. The shed is off this guy from 2 years ago.
  2. I didnt get a weight on him. A couple goobers broke the crank on the wench right before I was backing up to it. He honestly was not very big bodied for that age of a deer.
  3. Yep 4 1/2. I have a shed off of him as a 2 1/2 yr old. No way I could have passed him but I would have loved to see what he would have been at 5 1/2.
  4. Well once again I had to wait until gun season before I got it done. I think it was well worth the wait though. I saw this guy the first of Nov feeding in the corn field and again on the 15th of November while my wife was hunting but he never came close enough. On the 16th I headed out early hoping for some early movement with the rain finally letting up a little. It wasnt until 430 that I saw my first deer. It was the only one I would see! First saw him at about 100 yrds and he came into 15 yrds and I put it on him. He grossed 167 6/8. Some trail cam pics
  5. Yes she is:) Best hunting partner ever!!
  6. I dont get to that point. I will always pass on anything I would be disappointed with. I am to the point now if its not 4 1/2 yrs old I am not going to shoot it. If I have a itchy trigger finger then I whack a doe. Makes me feel a little better. I have no problem with eating tag soup. I am lucky enough to be able to take off nearly a month to pretty much devote to deer and even the days I dont have off I can hunt mornings after work. I have no problem with people that shoot young deer if you are happy with them. Its the people that say "man I wish I wouldnt have shot him" that bother me. If you are happy then I am happy for you. It is also a really cool feeling when you get a few years of history with a deer before you harvest him.
  7. The year started off pretty slow. With very few sightings of bucks and no sightings of a mature buck what so ever until Halloween evening. In the days following I saw many bucks and had encounters with a big 160" 9 pt twice but just wouldnt get close enough for a shot. I ended up making it all the way to firearms season for the first time in 6 yrs with out taking a buck with my bow. The Sunday of opening weekend I harvested a doe because I had yet to harvest a single deer with my new Monster XLR8. Then Tuesday the 17th my dad was able to harvest a cool looking buck that morning so I decided to head to the woods early. I got to the stand about 1:20 and as I am getting things situated I heard a limb snap on down the ridge from me. I hurried up and hung my quiver up and knocked an arrow and hung my bow. As I am turning around to sit down I see him coming. I grab my release and put it on real quick. He closes the distance to 10 yrds and I smoked him. He runs about 50 yrds and goes down and when he does he falls down into a big nasty ravine!!. He field dressed 210 and had a ton of mass. Trail cam pics of him. My fiance and I actually bumped him that morning when we were going to the stand Now on to my favorite hunt of the year. My fiance hasnt been able to hunt as much as normal with her work load at college. We have had some good hunts with seeing quite a few bucks but nothing she wants to shoot just yet. Last Friday evening we were set up by our food plot that they have been hammering. It was getting late and hadnt seen much when we see 3 does coming. She grabs her bow and waits for the first 2 to clear. I stop the 3rd one and she smokes her. It looked awesome through the viewfinder of the camera. I went to play it back and it blue screened on me!!! Oh well the doe only went about 50 yrds and crashed. THis is her second deer with her bow and to get it done while most everyone else is out slinging lead makes this one a little more special.
  8. Fine with me. I still ask permission to hunt not pay.
  9. I have found all the sheds I have ever found in the woods. A couple on trails but most of them are in bedding areas on ridges. Usually tree tops. I found 5 around 1 blown down tree a few weeks ago. Just got lucky I found the area the bucks bedded at.
  10. Up to 7 now. Between my buddies, my dad and I we have over 30
  11. WOW...easily upper 160's probably 170
  12. Well this has by far been my best year for shed hunting. I have found more this year than I have ever combined. I found 4 in 1 day and 5 all on one ridge. I found my first 2 sets ever. My first of the year. I found the right side of this buck last yr as a 2 1/2 yr old. He gained about 20" The second one. I eventually found the other side a few days later. Her is the other side and the other match set and a dink. This is the one I was hoping to find since he wasnt harvested. He was a 9 pt that is really tall. I have numerous trail pics of this guy and my little brother had an awesome encounter with him while I was filming him. He ended up missing him twice!!LOL My dad came with me the other day. I had one more ridge to walk and was pretty sure we would find one on it. Sure enough he found it. Went with a buddy to some property his family owns and he found this nice 5 pt side.