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    Port St.John Florida

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  1. Re: SHOT SHOW and the new Realtree AP and APG I will be at the SHOT Show tommorow I will look at it in person
  2. rocketdoc


    Re: ez-hangers Mine works just fine
  3. rocketdoc


    My Dads in the hospital and I would appreciate yall keeping him in your prayers to get him through.Thanks,Jim
  4. Re: SOOO CLOSE.... You did the right thing by not forcing a bad shot .Good luck
  5. Re: Just got done shooting my bow! (pics) Go put that practice to work and show us the pics good luck
  6. Re: FIRST WALLHANGER! What a great deer !Congrats
  7. Re: Think I\'ll try my luck. Things will get better, hang in there
  8. Re: Muzzleloading Weekend Good luck!!
  9. Re: just around the corner Good luck and be safe
  10. Re: Ward Burton to make his return. Glad to see Ward is going to try to get back into racing,I hope he does make the race.
  11. Re: Fantasy HELP! I have Maroney on my fantasy league and hes done very well for a rookie,I would go with him.
  12. Re: BIG SPOUSE RIVALRY Remeber,if MAMA aint happy nobody'happy!!! Good luck
  13. Re: The best security system I\'ve found! Thats good
  14. Re: America The Beautiful! Thanks that was GREAT.Luckily Ive seen alot of those places.
  15. Re: 7 Degrees of Blondness Good Stuff!