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About Brianxt

  • Birthday 04/12/1977


  • Location
    Knox co. KY
  • Occupation
    Security guard
  • Interests
    Any thing to do with outdoors
  • user_name_impex
    christopher Brian Hamilton

Brianxt's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. I Have a some property I lease they just got finished with a bunch of gas lines and drilling for samples. Most of the spot are 20yrd wide and run 300 yrds all of it is clay. I was thinking of planting Oats,winter wheat,winter rye and I was going to get some sugar beets and purple top turnip and maybe some winter peas. I need any feed back I never planted any of this stuff I need some seed rates. And sense I am straped for time will lyme and fertilizer do any good at this point.:drink:
  2. Lucky Buck I have used the Lucky Buck here in Ky and it is the best I have seen hands down. Only thing i have seen come close is the homemade mix you make up yourself.:stupid:
  3. Brianxt

    White doe

    I shot a sold white doe watched her run 50yrds and lay down. Got down gave her 4hours while I came out and went to church. I came back and trailed her she had got up and went anither 50yrds, When I found her she was laying on her belly with her legs sprawled out on each side with her chin flat on the ground. I thought she was dead I took A step and she was gone I backed out and left her till the next morning because tehy was good blood. The next morning I found the blod trail and tracked her up got 60 yrds from were I had jumped her and started finding white hair every were When I found it I had the head and 8 inc of the hide left and the tail. So now I am going to take up coyote hunting I am so sick she had one brown spot right between her ears.
  4. I am going to by one soon I have drove and used the rhino 450 I like it very well, I have not drove the kawasaki teryx. I am looking at both of these UTV I was wondering what your thoughts are on the two. Let me know wht you guys like or do not like about them. I can get a 450 rhino in camo with top windshield and back window for $9500. or I can get the 750 Kawasaki Teryx for the same price with the options.
  5. The ky dept of fish and wildlife has a survey up on their website asking hunters to vote on the 2010 spring turkey season start date go vote and tell your friends to vote here is the site
  6. I have an Hoyt Alpha max 32 for sell. If interested go to ebay and type in item #220458290682 in search and it will bring it up.
  7. I am from knox county ky I live 3 miles from Barbourville I have lived and hunted here my whole life. I use to work in Monticello at camp earl wallace about 10 yrs ago. I like it down in that area its nice looking farm country.
  8. Hoemade :bat:I made a homemade bush hog to pull behind my 4 wheeler and it works great. I found a small 4 ft deck from a tractor and did a little modifying to it and put a 18 hp brigs motor I mounted front lawn mower tires on it that I can adjust the height. I have had it for 4 yrs now and just had to change the belts on it . I think I might have $150 dollars in the whole thing.
  9. SEKY :hammer1:I have seen the Rock but never tried it. I have tried the lucky buck brand mineral I put it out on a old stump 3 times ever 3 months the deer eat half the stump and have dug it up. It has been 2 years sense I freshened it up and they still use it. Let me know how the rock works I have wondered about it.
  10. Brianxt


    I told some guys I had smelled deer coming before and they laughed and said I was crazy. My reply was you guys must not be real hunters if you can't smell deer coming.
  11. Brianxt


    OK its not goin to be about farts this time. I was Just wondering how many of you guys and gals can smell a deer coming before you see it. And I don't mean all the time i'm talking when conditions are rite.
  12. I know what I will be remembered for on this forum the that fart test his scent lock suit lol.
  13. Brianxt


    I thought you guys would get a kick out of this post I work 12 hr shifts sitting on my butt and I do get a little bored. And yes I to have tried the fart in the scent lock and the regular coveralls. And I do not recommend farting in coveralls comes out rite under your nose kind of like a little mouse running up the back and front of them.
  14. Brianxt


    If you fart will waring scent lok paints will it smell? Tell me your experience.