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About FlGirl

  • Birthday 09/22/1965


  • Location
    Fl(permanent), La(temporary)
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Horseback riding

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  1. FlGirl

    Income tax help

    Myself and two family members own a hunting camp together in FL. We formed a LLC to help protect ourselves from liability issues in our "sue happy" world. We had to obtain a tax id # and I suppose we have to file an income tax return. I'm just not sure what we need to file. We don't really have any income. We each pay a monthly due to cover electric bill, property taxes, etc. The amount we each contribute is just enough to cover the expenses. Any tax accountants out there or someone else with a similiar situation that could offer some advice would be great. Thanks.
  2. Nice. I love that case. I need something like that. My turkey I'm having mounted from last year is almost done and I've been trying to decide where to put it since my cat thinks turkey beards are the best cat toys ever made.
  3. Thanksgiving Day we gained another lady "whitetail addict". We decided to have Thanksgiving at our hunting camp this year and my niece came down from north Florida. She had hunted some with her daddy(my brother) when she was growing up and had killed a hog but she had never really gotten into it. Well all of sudden this year(she's 23) she decided she wanted to kill a deer so she was all excited about coming down and getting to hunt. Her Daddy lives in south Florida so she doesn't get to see him much so they wanted to hunt together and spend some "quality time". They were in the stand way before daylight Thanksgiving morning, saw several deer but nothing in shooting range. My brother was designated "Grill Master" and we had a huge ham on the grill so they could only sit for a couple of hours. When they got down he decided to take the long way back to the camp that would take them by another food plot. He drove up close to it on the cart, got out and climbed up on the back and could see a buck on the far end of the plot. He knew it was too far of a shot for her so they crawled about 50 yards and was able to get to the fence around the plot so she could lay the rifle on the wire. He said he thought she was going to hyperventilate so he just started talking to her to take some slow deep breaths and squeeze the trigger. DROPPED HIM IN HIS TRACKS ! ! ! 130 lb, 6 point. ONE PROUD DADDY ! ! ! Then they teamed up again for the evening hunt and she dropped this fine doe. Talking about quality time.............. Needless to say she's ruined and I am one PROUD AUNT ! ! !
  4. Congrats ! ! I'm jealous. I'm still recouping from my hysterectomy so I haven't been since opening weekend. Hoping the doc will release me at my checkup tomorrow so I can go some over the weekend.
  5. I got my first deer ever with my M/L yesterday:):). Story and pic is posted on Deer Hunting thread. While I've had a good start to the season with getting my first buck with my bow and now my muzzleloader my season is going to have to go on hold after next weekend. I've got to have a hysterectomy(sp?) on the 10th. Fun, Fun:(. I'm really aggravated with my Gyn doc. I went to him in August with these problems and he finally decided last week to do some more testing and discover I have a HUGE fibroid with no options other than surgery ASAP. I was able to talk him into waiting until the 10th since our gun season starts on the 8th. At least I'll get a couple of days.
  6. It has definitley been a year of first for me. I was able to take my first buck with my bow in October and yesterday I took my first deer ever with my muzzleloader. And not only was it a buck with was a BIG buck for Florida. Here's how it went down. It was drizzling rain and my cousin and I were riding around checking some stands and hoping to see a hog. Since I had never gotten anything with my muzzleloader I was hoping to at least get a crack at a pig. We pulled up to one of our food plots that has a lot of high plamettos around it. I got up on the back of the cart so I could see and there HE was chasing a doe:eek: ! ! He was headed out the other side of the food plot so the the stalk began. With the palmettos being so high I was able to sneak to the other side and finally caught sight of him going out thru the pines. I didn't make the best shot on him. Hit him about mid way back:(. We were able to see him walk off and lay down so we marked the spot and left him for awhile. When we came back he was right where we had seen him lay down:D. Even though I made a bad gut shot he couldn't take that .50 cal from my TC Encore. He's an 8pt with an 18 1/8" inside, 19 1/4" outside spread. 167 lbs. Most people think we can't "grow" big bucks in Florida and of course we'll never have the size there is in the mid west, but this is the proof that with good management and supplemental feeding we can grow some decent bucks.
  7. Me & hubby field dress, skin and quarter together. I usually haul to processor. Depends on how we're cooking it if I cook or him.
  8. Awesome ! ! ! Congrats ! ! !
  9. CONGRATS ! ! ! Sounds like you had a great weekend.
  10. Wow ! ! ! Awesome buck ! ! ! Congrats ! ! !
  11. Congrats on your first bow buck ! ! !
  12. Nice buck. Congrats ! !