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  1. Congrats man! i'm glad you got him, i sure was hopin i could try to make it back up there in a few weeks to try again...it's one thing to miss a turkey but to drive 800 miles basically to hunt one day and miss...that's ****!! i still get sick at my stomach when i think about it!! i wish i could of thought to shoot at his body the first time when he was steady walkin at 6 steps with the pattern the size of a golf ball...oh well, chalk it up as a lesson learned! Congrats again on the bird.......
  2. it's not to easy to hold a camera steady with no prop, 3 other people in a 2 man blind, and the camera zoomed out all the way....but cove's right i propbably could of used a draw or two
  3. Re: Scrappy goes to Oklahoma. . . . I can vouch first hand, It was an AWESOME trip, Shane I can't thank you enough for taking us on this hunt, the trip was full of great memories that I will never forget!! Thanks again man. You need to get your butt down to Ga,me and Cove will line you up a big ga eastern...can't wait to see the video again....take care man, good luck getting you a bird this week, keep in touch!
  4. Re: Weekend of Preparation! Yea it's time!!!!! I'm just ready to get our new rig bloody!!!!!!!!!!!