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    Rat City, WI

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  1. Wolves ate just the unborn elk calf this spring in WI.
  2. bow after missing 3 bucks last year with my old hand me down PSE which is about 15 yrs old, I bought a Z7 and my groups are actually groups, what a difference in technology.
  3. Best of Luck SE is holding lot's of deer and it seems I have located that ever precious piece of farmland and the permission to hunt it....better late than never! Good luck!
  4. One pin at 25, which still cover 20 and 30 with the one pin.
  5. Acorn rage 36 pics in one night two bucks many does all chose acorn rage over the real acorns scattered all over naturally. This was last weekend.
  6. Camera Up north photos last weekend still had bucks in bachelor groups, lot's of sign popping up.
  7. Evidence Saw some scrapes and rubs in north central WI, not much day time movement though, this cold weather should get them moving more.
  8. Just made the change I just made the switch to Montec from Muzzy's. Very impressed so far, They fit better on the narrow carbons too, I think that is why I wasn't too happy with the flight of my muzzys.
  9. lakemisurfer

    Rut in IL

    no way No,but I have seen some palm trees growing in them there woods....saw some scrapes and rubs; nothing moving due to the temps.
  10. Thanks He is on a very small parcel of private land that I have permission to hunt on, two years in a row in fact. Developments are going up all around, I fear this is not a long term hunting opportunity so I got to try for him. It will surprise anyone when they find out where he is, that's the beauty of these deer!
  11. Rat City is code for Racine....we gets lots of rats.
  12. I will given the chance.
  13. Sweet corn Sweet corn mixed with molasses and black sunflower seeds....affordable and effective.
  14. Re: LATE SEASON SUCCESS!!!! (PICS) Gotta love those tree cams!!! Good going!
  15. Re: Do you let em grow or bag em? This buck is on 40 acres but I know I am the only hunter for miles. It's very residential area and this guy has a great chance of being around a long time.