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About PAstringking

  • Birthday 05/14/1984


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  • Interests
    Photography, Jeeps, Hunting, Fly Fishing

PAstringking's Achievements


12-Pointer (6/7)



  1. those are some great looking pictures.
  2. looks like a great place to camp. beautiful view
  3. both those deer are great looking deer. nice pics
  4. that last pic is one interesting deer. im guessing that most of those bucks are somewhat related.
  5. nice. i have been seeing a large amount of deer with some good potential. cant wait to see the pics
  6. i usually do a spin on the table. i want to investin a spin tester but maybe i could make my own. how did you guys go about this??
  7. i shoot an extreme sniper now and love it. great sight and durable. if you want the best though....i would go with Spot-Hogg.
  8. wow that is an amazing trophy no matter who shot it....congrats to her though
  9. those bucks are amazing. pure monsters. that is really cool that the artist painted that picture.
  10. i agree!! if your looking to do free range hog hunting...California might be a good place to look..or Texas where the high fence is over 20,000 acers.
  11. a lot of dealers have been bad mouthing them saying that they will bend and whatever. the way i think of it is if you hit something hard enough to bend the FMJ then you probably would have busted the carbon. over on AT there is a lot of people using the FMJs with great success. good luck
  12. im right with new Vectrix has yet to taste its first blood. im ready for September 15th to role around. its doe time in SE PA!!