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About Eric

  • Birthday 10/20/1977

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Spike (1/7)



  1. Not a wise choice my friend. You will miss the bone splitting penetration of the muzzy if you are a little of the mark. Don't get me wrong rage will make a highway bloodtrail if you are right on the mark. Lets face it though when actually taking a shot at a deer your shot may not be the best you hoped for compared to your bullseye target shooting. There are alot of variables that can alter your shot- wind, branch deflection, wrong yardage estimate, deer movement, shot angle and of course buck fever to name a few. Just my 2 cents you will be back on Muzzy's its just a matter of when.
  2. That is a true monster. What memories to have several trail cam pics of him prior to getting him as well. One question, how did you keep your husband from trying to get a crack at him? LOL I assume this was on private land as you have the trail pics for him.
  3. Wow, that is a really big 6 pointer. He looks awesome. Oh by the way good choice in bow as well. Hoyt is my brand also.
  4. Very Nice buck. He has a beautiful white patch under his chin also. Way to go!
  5. I will have to get me one of those as my buck knife needs some tending to after my archery buck and caping my buddies archery buck. Good price too!!!
  6. That is so cool. It is unfortunate that people have to make up stories so u have no idea where this encounter actually happened. Seems to happen with a big buck from time to time as well.
  7. Eric

    Good buck down

    Very nice Buck! He sure does look like a fighter, my buck I got this yr was a fighter also. His whole right side of tines are shorter and rounded off. Way to go and hope you have luck in the gun season if you are going!
  8. Hello I am going to try this one out. Those pictures have my mouth watering. What kind of soy sauce do you use? Brand/Regular or Teriyaki?
  9. Eric

    Tagged out!

    Congrats, that buck is a brute, love the mass. Where at in iowa are you from also post the pic of the buck you got last yr when you get a chance.
  10. Hello Great to hear that you have a high interest in hunting. Myself, I didn't have a father or grandpa etc to get me into sport, I started hunting when I was 20 with the help of a few friends and one of my friend's father. I wouldn't give it up for the world. I basically have learned to bowhunt on my own though. The best advice to you is don't give up. I still learn things each and every time I am in the woods. This site has alot of helpful knowledge in all aspects of the sport as well. Grab some books on deer hunting and that will give you some great knowledge also. If I were you I would try to find some private land that will have less pressure. Just talk to the farmers in the area and I am sure you will find someplace close where you can put alot of time in. I encourage you to get the younger generation in as well. I look forward to the day my son is old enough to get out in the woods with me and teach him what I know. Best of Luck and remember getting the big one is more luck than skill(I know first hand)!
  11. I would agree with the terrain and surrounding trees. You don't want to get to high and have smaller trees blocking good shooting lanes. I usually am at around 17-20 ft with my climber and my ladders are 15 ft. I have shoot deer out of a wooden platform stand that is probably 9 ft at most at floor level. Main thing is to be scent free as possible and use the wind to your advantage to where you anticipate the deer to come from. Also limit your movements at the lower height levels.
  12. Eric

    need advice

    Hello All depends, is the wind in your favor. I had a buddy shoot a nice 130's 8 pt out of a stand and 2 days later I had a brute 160 easy come by but missed on a fairly far shot at him as he was no coming in any closer. Good thing is he was spooked to bad so he should be back. Never no this time of yr when the big boys are cruising.
  13. Hello It seems here in the midwest of Iowa the wind is out of the north or south all the time. Frustrating but got scentlock suit and climber so I can get high.
  14. Thanks for the reply guys. I will give the second slat a try. I have been using the first slat instead of the v section the last couple of times. I feel more comfortable having them attached to each other after my clip broke while decending. Was a little worried at first til I improvised with the strap. I never thought of a carabiner that might work well also.