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Everything posted by swampwright

  1. I went out last weekend and no luck. Still had a lot of snow on the ground but with all the snow gone this weekend should be a good one. I don't know how about tool shed lol
  2. http://www.raptorresource.org/falcon_cams/index.html Here is the site. Its pretty interesting watching them get there nest ready. Just thought id share.
  3. I like the sledding idea... then afterward have hot chocolate.
  4. 3 years ago i had this happen during second season shotgun. A 20 3/4 inch spread 8 point 11 inch brow tines. One clean shot dropped him in his tracks when i got up to him the right side was off just laying there. Needless to say i didnt drag him out by his other antler lol
  5. I have a 4 month old and can't wait for moments like these.... thanks for sharing he already loves watching hunting on t.v.
  6. That would be nice! See a retro thing come back just like the cars they have done those have been successful.
  7. Yea the savage 220f would be nice plus like you said it's half the price. It also comes in a 20g, but doesnt have the option of a wood stock. Put a mcmillian on it but thats a whole new ball game of prices.
  8. swampwright


    Yea i'd have to agree with dave some hot wings a cold bud light in the bottle and a good game on with friends.
  9. I have a primos 35 and its a good camera. since aug. i've only changed the batteries 3 times the last time being last week and i use the cheep dollar store ones. Also the settings are easy to use. Its 99 at cabelas i bought it for 89 on sale but i saw on ebay the other day 82 with free shipping. Just my 2 cents
  10. Has anyone seen that browning has introduced the a-bolt in there line up for 2011. Im really temped to buy one, since i'm in a slug only state. I currently have the ultra slug hunter, but man the brownings are good looking. Im also wondering what is the difference between the 94-98 a-bolt and the new a-bolt?
  11. God, family and my country
  12. Federal Premium Barnes Xpander have been shooting them for years in my h&r slugger and shoot tight groups at 150, hold together great.
  13. Yep great show we didnt miss a one.....
  14. Well the Great Eight Young Deer was shot by my grandpa tonight. Just Moved here last year from Ark. He is 69 years old and has never shot a good deer. So Im happy he got a deer and he is more than happy with it.
  15. How old do you think he is? New Buck and the second buck is the young eight, will be great next year
  16. I just took the wife out hunting for the first time last sat. I was packing up and ready to leave and she started crying.. havin a baby a week before that happens alot lol. well i asked her to come and she had a ball slept in the blind alot but wants a bow and camo now.. We do everything together and cant wait to start hunting with her...