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  • Location
    North Eastern, Pennyslvania
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Hunting, Trapping, Sports, Trucks
  • Biography
    I love to hunt and trap whenever I can. Im new to trapping so any help or advice is much obliged.

CoyoteKiller16's Achievements



  1. Is there anyone of any group of people interested in hiring me over this summer (2010) to guide hunts or work for a guide service. I am willing to travel to almost anywhere and it doesnt matter what target animals you provide. For anyone serious eneough to talk about things PM me and i will give you further contact information. God bless and enjoy this awesome East cost weather!!!
  2. Hello all, my name is Denny Threlkeld and I am currently going to West Chester University of Pa. As I continue searching for a major, nothing sticks out to me (at least not enough to pursue). Since I was a boy, my dream has been to be on a "big time" hunting companies Pro Staff. I live to hunt, fish, trap & camp. My hometown of Benton, Pennsylvania is a very rural farming community of roughly 900 people where everyone knows everyone. I grew up in the country, surrounded by prime hunting and fishing areas. My knowledge for the outdoors is one of my most prized characteristics and I cherish it very much. My point for this letter is to receive advice on how to properly pursue a career in the outdoor industry. I would be a smart addition to any management or hunting outfit, and I am willing to do pretty much whatever it would take in order to become associated with these wonderful people. I would be willing to learn how to efficiently work a video camera, as I would also be to learn the trade of any other thing put before me. I trust in the knowledge and advice of the Realtree Pro-Staff, and that is why I chose to confide in you. For anyone serious enough to kindly help me out, I would be more than happy to give you my contact information to discuss my interests and aspirations. My regards & may God bless!
  3. does anybody know how much i would have to spend for a wyoming hunting liscence for coyotes and where i could get one?
  4. My name is Denny and im 18. Ive hunted coyotes all over Pennsylvania over the last few years. Im looking to come out west for a few days this winter to do some coyote hunting, but problem is I dont know anyone with land out there in Wyoming or Colorado, so what im asking is is anybody who hunts yote's themselves willing to put me and a possible other guy up for a few days to make a run at some Wile E.'s? I understand that may be asking much, so to get to know more about me if your interested just PM me with details and i will give you my email and phone number. Thank you very much for anyone who is willing! God Bless. Denny.
  5. Has the predator contest already begun? If not, where do I sign up?
  6. CoyoteKiller16 Penna. Oct. 18-Nov. 29,Dec. 15-23,26-Feb.7 6 daily...12 possession Gray Squirriel
  7. I trapped him January 11th of 2008. He was a nice mature male with descent guard hairs. Personally, minus the poor lighting, I think this is an exceptional mount, not to mention the realistic face. I had him done by none other than Dave Keller. He happens to be my neighbor and fathers friend. Any of you guys hear of him?
  8. I own a Mossberg 535, is this gun even sufficient to shoot crows with? What type of load would i use (specifically)
  9. In your opinion, what is your favorite coyote gun or which one that you own is your favorite. PICS ONLY!!!
  10. I picked up a 6 pound bag of Deer 'Cain Concentrate Mix last night and also a 3 pound bottle of Stump-Likker, also by Deer 'Cain. I just got back from putting out the Deer 'Cain Mix and on the bag it states that it makes deer habitually come back to the Deer 'Cain site and that it gets dug up quite a bit. I just wanted to know how the site turned out if anyone else in here has used it previously!!!
  11. Talked to a neighbor the other day and he said that while on his way home from the shooting range a mountain lion crossed the road and jumped up on the other bank which is above the car and stood there looking at him for almost ten seconds before running. Whoever says mountain lions arent in Pa are foolish and ignorent. There here!
  12. Re: Look at the mass on this one!!! Like Tom2008 said, its hard to tell on a deer like that with the rack being being so heavy yet so small. It could range from around 2 1/2 to 3 i would say, although not a bad but now, it'll be a keeper in atleast 2 years
  13. in Pa, after Feb. 17 it says you arent permitted to trap, but is that it then for the year or is there a springtime season or summertime?
  14. back when PA had its only snowcover a few weeks ago, i got this nice red fox. Fiesty little things arent they Hopefully theres more to come very soon!
  15. Re: trapline photos Born2Hunt, how do you make that type of signature. The Marc Truesdell Box you have is pretty neat, but i dont know how to make them or however you obtain them. Some help would be obliged