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  1. Camera I just bought an HCO Scoutgard SG550 and so far am very happy with it. I read lots of reviews on trigger time, image quality etc. plus it has a very nice video feature also. It is a little bigger than a pop can and the nice thing is it can be securely locked up inside a steel box and lag bolted to a tree, while using your python lock to put around the tree. I didn't want to buy a camera only to have it ripped off the first week!
  2. Z7 I shot a Z7 the other day at the local pro shop and i was amazed at how smooth that bow was.
  3. You just need practice, go to an archery shop and find someone that will give you pointers while you are shooting. Bowhunters are people who are usually happy to help a beginner succeed, so most would be willing to help you out. You are in the midwest, so you won't have a problem finding someone to help you out a little. Good luck and keep practicing, bowhunting is a year-round sport that entails scouting, shooting, and tireless effort.
  4. I haven't but I'll NEVER shoot anything but a Rage now, total devastation!:death:
  5. Sounds like your rest isn't tuned in right, i'd have the pro shop check it out.
  6. Someone needs to control the rats in Michigan, right? Nice work!:clap:
  7. Surprised he didn't accidentally get shot in a drive-by gang shooting! What's wrong with the deer in Michigan? They taste great to me!
  8. Thanks Chrud I'll give the blocks a try when i freshen the site in April.
  9. Guys, just looking for some tips on a good picture taking infrared trail camera to put on my mineral site. I'd like to hear the advantages and disadvantages to each model. I'm getting my taxes done, and am finally getting one. I'm sick of my old ones with the flash, plus i'd like to start saving the photos on my computer. Thanks a bunch guys!
  10. O.K. here's what i did: Let me know if i did it right o.k.? I went out in the woods today with 2 bags of Deer Cain, and 1 bag of Black Magic Deer Cain. I took a hoe(garden tool, not chick) and raked away all of the leaves and foliage in 2 spots about 4ft. X4ft. I then went to the creek about 40 yards away and got water and mixed it with the 2 bags of Deer Cane and spread it out over one 4X4 area. I then took the black magic and spread it out evenly over the other 4X4 area and just left it be. I then took 1/2 bucket of C'mere Deer and put it in the middle so they find it easier. What do you guys think? When should i expect to start seeing some action on it?
  11. Thanks guys! I appreciate the info, i bought a couple bags of the deer cain, and i saw they had the other stuff too, i'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
  12. I'm looking at putting some salt licks and mineral licks out soon to start getting some pictures this spring. I'm just wondering what you guys use and what works the best for spring/summer. I'd like to see what's in the woods for next season. Thanks guys!
  13. Shot a 5-point with a 2-blade Rage, shot him right in the shoulder and the broadhead went through the shoulder and exited behind the opposite shoulder. Total, complete devastation with a nice blood trail that lasted 40 yards. I was very impressed with the toughness of this head, it's been sharpened and back in my quiver.