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About terminator

  • Birthday 08/26/1970


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Spike (1/7)



  1. I had this rifle a few years back. It was a beautiful rifle, but I couldn't ever get a decent group out of it. After floating the barrel and replacing the trigger, I still did not get good accuracy even for a 44. I also tried several different loads without any better results.It may have been a 1 out of a million rifle that was bad, but mine was. I have several Ruger rifles that I love, but this one got traded. Good luck!!!
  2. Been loading now for 17 years and wouldn't shoot anything else! RCBS products are great, but Lee makes good dies at a much smaller cost.
  3. I got a limbsaver on my 338 Win Mag and have 0 complaints.
  4. Re: Them junky Glocks........... I love my Glocks! I have the model 20 and the model 22. They aren't the prettiest guns in the world, but man do they ever perform!!!
  5. Re: Nikon BDC Reticle I haven't tried the Nikon, but the similar reticles found in the Burris scopes I use work very well with calculating where to hold at 200+.
  6. Re: O.K. Now hypothetically........... I carry a 10mm for self defense and would hate to see the outcome if I ever had to use it in a just situation. The bad guys seem to be more protected by the law than decent hard working people. When all is said, I had rather face a court room alive ridding the world of some scum than to be dead.
  7. Re: PLease suggest concealed carry gun. Try out the Baby Glock! Not the prettiest, but they get the job done!
  8. Re: Any one Interested In swaping a Hunt Interested in hunting Georgia? If so send a pm.
  9. Re: New Ruger .308 =) Very good gun! I have a 30-06 and a 300 Win Mag with the same old style stock. The .308 is a great choice!!!
  10. Re: What Bullets do you....? 10mm & 40 S&W- 180gr Hornady XTP's 45 ACP- 230gr Hydra-shok's 44 Mag- 240gr Hornady XTP's or 210gr silvertips 357 Mag- 158gr Hornady XTP's
  11. terminator


    Re: PETA [ QUOTE ] They could have at least used someone good looking [/ QUOTE ] I agree!!!
  12. Re: It\'s great to be a democrat!!! Things just keep getting better, huh!? Democrats live in an imaginary world...
  13. Re: Snake Boots In South Georgia where I hunt, I run into them quite often. It is mostly the timber rattlers and cottonmouths. In North Georgia I run into the copperheads alot in bow season, but rarely ever see the rattlesnakes.
  14. Re: Reloading Supplers Midway is very hard to beat! Cabelas also has reloading equipment and good prices in their "Shooting Catalogue".