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Everything posted by dosse

  1. I got an opening day Doe this afternoon. Took the appropriate pics and will post it in next few days. On the board!
  2. Wstreblo that deer is a beast. Hope to see you put him in the dirt this year.
  3. Went to the last 3d shoot of the year around here yesterday morn and this morn. Had a great Time but it only makes waiting to hunt worse
  4. I'm shooting a 2012 elite answer. I bought it last year around mid December. She is getting pretty hungry right now and I hope to feed her opening weekend.
  5. Checking in from ms. Ready for oct 1 to hit the woods
  6. I had an awesome year too but judging from this forum this year it's been slow for most. I found my record number this year. I'm Sittin on 73 right now
  7. After this weekend and the ones after work this week I'm up to 27 with 20 being fresh drops. My best start ever as far as fresh antlers go.
  8. Some more from the weekend and this week.
  9. The little one on the left is a little stumpy spike my dogs have worked down to nothing. My luck continued today. I made a quick run after work on the four wheeler and found 2 with one being my best so far. I stumpy heavy 53 inch 8 point side!
  10. 9 are fresh drops and 5 oldies so far. 2 matched sets
  11. Off to my best start yet considering most haven't dropped here yet and I have only been doing some field trolling. Found my 14th today after work while going to check a cam. And it happens to be a match to a shed I found in the same field last Friday.
  12. Well team I shot my best buck ever Sunday afternoon and what could be my deer of a lifetime here at home in ms. As for the contest he will upgrade 2 points but he is a far superior buck. Still can't believe I was the lucky one to get the chance. I will post him Up as an upgrade soon.
  13. Posted up my buck just now. Good luck to everyone. Maybe I luck up and get an upgrade. I have til jan 31. Got a Doe with my bow this morning.
  14. I got on the board this morning with this 134 5/8 9 pointer, unfortunately he never grew one brow. I will post him up with a tag pic over the holidays. Earliest I have gotten a buck in a long time
  15. I finally got on the board this afternoon. Had a Doe come in and give me a 15 yard shot and I let her have it. I will post her soon when I draw up my tag pic. Good luck to everyone
  16. Looking forward to it team. I like the suggested names as well. Anything is fine. I think I may have been on a team with turkeygirl before but it may have been in the shed hunting forum. I have some nice bucks on cam this year. No super monsters but alot more solid bucks than usual. Hopefully starting october first I can start working towards arrowing one!
  17. Count me In too. I was checking in throughout summer and never saw any updates and missed out. With the extension I'm in Dosse 27 Oct 1.-jan 31
  18. Yea he was somewhat bristled up in that pic and makes him look older than he really is. In most trail cam pics he looked smaller. He got lucky and I lost sleep over my decision and whether I should have shot him. But I got to see him grow another rack and even though I didn't get him I really enjoyed getting to chase him again
  19. Here is mine and this clip was taken off the playback on my video camera. 35 yards and a deer I had been looking for buti thought could be 3 he had a broken brow and I had just killed my best ever buck with a bow (about the same size) 2 weeks before so I let him go. He made it to the next year and was killed my neighbors. I figured he was low 130s here. Last year he was mid 40s
  20. I'm sorry it took me so long I just have been hunting trying to get another until our season closed on the 31st. I normally wouldn't drag around as long as I did. Maybe we will pull it out. I had no idea he was gonna put us in first until I looked at the board right before entering him. I thought we were looking at second or third. Been a good year and a good team. I wish it was starting over already haha. Now time to find some sheds