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About razortec_hunter

  • Birthday 03/03/1993


  • Location
  • Occupation
    Working on our farm
  • Interests
    Deer Hunting
  • Biography
    i love to shoot my razortec!
  • user_name_impex
    Joel Burham

razortec_hunter's Achievements


10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. so sad that these deer are going through this!! My buddy has found several monsters. And i mean MONSTERS killed by ehd :/
  2. EVERYBBODY BUY THIS DECOY NO JOKE set it on the edge of a bean field this evening, brought in a doe, a gross 120, a spike and kid you not a gross 160s+ i let the doe pass and she ended waling infront of my buddys stand, and hes headed home with a big mature doe right now. the 160s buck came within 10 yards of the decoy when i shot, it all happened so fast and i had such buck fever i shot just over his back, this decoy is the real deal guys, a fully mature doe got one step from it and didnt bugg out, like, at all!! not to mention it brought in the biggest buck ive seen on foot let alone had a shot at my whole life, brought him in from atleast 150 yards across the field. i WILL be buying tinks mr. october tomorrow this thing took me 2 min to set up ad stake down and i carried it in with a small back pack, WORTH EVERY PENNY
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]10793[/ATTACH] well here she is, im pretty excited to try her out!! its really life like looking. it has a life like tail and under that a place to put scent wicks, anyways just thought i would show yall what she looks like, i might even buy her boyfriend mr. october
  4. hey yall i just bought the new deer decoy called tinks miss november. its and inflatable rubber decoy, picked it up at cabelas for 50$ figured id give it a shot, has anyone used the decoy or ones similar?
  5. he yall, in the market for a shotgun with a budget of 400$ and under, whatss your opinion? im going to be mostley doing bird hunting and ocaisional turkey. have been looking at mossberg? remington? and benelli? i need some help haha i dont know a whhhoolllee lot about shotguns, i know i want a 12g though
  6. where would you place some bow stands? the far south boarder are abondon railroad tracks, BROWN = tall grass field GREEN = soy bean field YELLOW GREEN = corn, theres also a large creek running through the property any comments are welcome!!
  7. Does anybody have an easy but good backstrap recipe? ?
  8. Whats your tactics/ strategies for hunting birds in the late afternoon? Where are they likely going to be?
  9. I would set up down the line but they roost on the edge of property I can't hunt and were walking onto that property... I have a few small places to hunt that if I call onto any part of the property and don't get a response there's likely no birds or they don't wanna talk. Altho I do hunt a public peice. That I can walk for a very long time (there's alllooottta ground) but everytime I go there I don't hear any birds? Altho this morning walkin back to the truck a large longbeard walked right infront of my car as I was driving out!! I have a feeling he was working his way to my calling I had done earlier to get some gobbles?
  10. Howdy y'all. So im not new to hunting by any means, been bowhunting many species for many years mostly whitetail hunting. This is my first year bowhunting turkeys. Now calling wise im fairely experienced, I do most of my calls with my natural voice and have had AWESOME luck gettin gobbles. Now my question is. How to hunt them?? Haha I went out this morning and got about 5 gobblers to burst in their roost. I think I moved in too close..... but they kept gobbling but moving the opposite way? And how do I get on turkeys when they aren't wanting to respond? Ect ect. ANY tips would be awesome. Thanks!!
  11. Crick = something I can cross by jumping over it Creek = something I have to wade or walk through to cross That's how I say it
  12. Southern ohio. Its called premier whitetail guide school. Owned by southern ohio outfitters. I am trying to get ahold of a graduate from this school to find out how professional it was and they type of things learned. It is a diploma based school and provides job placement so who knows maybe it will be a good school....
  13. What do you. Mean payed in hunts? As in the privilege to hunt at the lodge? Or payed per hunt?
  14. Doing what I love and loving what I do what about guiding for whitetails in a lodge in say illinois or iowa? Or my home state of nebraska?