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About MallardPrincess

  • Birthday 11/28/1957


  • Location
    Turnersville, NJ
  • Interests
    hunting fishing
  • Biography
    My name is Nancy and I am a 4 yr. cancer survior and love hunting,duck, deer, and turkey..I have bee
  • user_name_impex
    Nancy Ruggiero

MallardPrincess's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Finally after 3 years of deer hunting I finally got my first Buck....It was around 4:45pm and I my husband who was up a tree in his treestand and I was in a blind about 200 yards away from him calls me on the radio and tells me that some deer are coming my way...The gang came 20 yds from my blind and stopped (looking into my window) I didn't move,as the first doe move away I got my bow and focused onthe window and the spot I knew I could get a shot, so I aimed for the spot and saw one,(doe) then two,(doe), ten third, (Spike Buck who was injuried),,then 4,doe then 5 (Buck) I counted 3 points on one side and then took the shot...It was a lung shot ..he only went about 50 yds I was so happy....He weight 120 pounds
  2. Hello everyone I kmow it's been awhile since I check it, but have been busy taking care of my sick mom and then to top things off I broke my ankle, which has put me out of hunting for the last month..Well i am going back this weekend slowly and then all next week ...I can't wait to get back out in the field.. Good luck and Congrats to anyone who did get a deer. Nancy
  3. My weekend of hunting story...No deer yet.. Went hunting friday morning. As soon as the sun came up I heard a deer running from behind me and then it stop righ tin front of me..It was a spike buck, damn can't shot it.. Nothing at all for the morning. Saturday went hunting in the afternoon. Set my blind up and around 4:30 saw a small doe but she was too far away. Ten minutes later, I saw this huge brown mass, my heart started pounding, as it got closer it was a beautiful 8 pointer,,,why can't it be time to shot buks I cried... than I sat there as it got closer and closer, now praying :Please go away. please don't smell me" I didn't want to spook him..he got closer to me, I could have reach out and touched him. I sat there watching this huge buck for 20 minutes and there was nothing I could do. I am now praying that this friday I get a doe a or hope saturday he is still around....Has anyone got a deer yet? I will report back in next sunday..Good luck to all Nancy
  4. Got in my blind by 5am and around 7 am deer came in. Two bucks ....then 730 two more deer doe's but to far to get off a shot. Husband wanted to go to another hunting spot, so we went.. there was no deer sign..I got my blind put up incase the rain would come back and then about an half hour later he comes walking back with his tree stand..."I didn't see any deer sign, so I couldn;t find a good spot". You're crazy I thought..So in the blind he comes with me and then 20 minutes later, :"Can we go home? I have a shot in the morning and need to get ready." Well pack everything up and off to home we go..He is going to take me back out Friday morning, and this time hopefully I can use my tree stand..What a day....
  5. Just checking in before the season starts...we went scouting and found so pretty good spots...Good Luck to all
  6. Hello everyone!!! and Good Luck this year... Going deer scouting this weekend and the Real Huntin next week...
  7. I am ready but my husband won't take me...He rather go fishing...
  8. Good luck and have a safe trip...get a BIG one!!!!
  9. Great Pics..I would shot it, it would be my first..but maybe you should pass it up and wait until next year..Good Luck on your hunting season
  10. My husband Gus just bought me a crossbow for hunting...It's a 10 point titan.....I got to shot it and it was right on....I was going to take the test to get one last year but decided to wait...Now I don't have...I can't wait to get out there and use it....I am so thankful for my husband...he has been my bestfriend through the hard times in my life.
  11. Happy Spring to you, can't wait for the warmer weather
  12. Welcome to the boards, here you will meet the friendiest and kind people..Again welcome