I got a Savage 10flp in .308 with a 24" barrel and with hornady 150gr sst bullets and a 200yd zero I am 6.8" low at 300,and 14.7"low at 400,and 25.3" low at 500yds.
I had,sorry I got rid of it,7mm weatherby mag.I always had a problem gettin ammo in my area and with all the urban sprawl was gettin scared to shoot it,but it would slam deer even lung shots they would never run more than 30yds
Not as expensive than that mess of green paint,we have 4 new hollands on the farm ranging from 18-115hp,great machines.Kubotas are darn good tractors too.
Info you found is correct bluelund,25-35inlbs,I just did some work to my 10fp,and tightend mine to around the same.DO NOT FORGET LOCTITE, it does help.
I raise chickens,not for myself,but for a chicken company,got three chicken houses,total capacity for the 3 houses,75,000 birds.That is a whole lotta poop,and it tends to stink in the summer.
For my job that pays the bills,I do weed and brush control.Now the job that I really enjoy is workin on the family farm,250 acres and 3 chicken houses.The weed control job isn't bad,I do get 4 months off with pay.
Ditto on the turnips,The daggone deer have resorting to pulling them up and eatin the greens and the turnip both.I can't hardly walk across some of my food plots without twistin my ankle on half eaten turnip bulbs.
Don't fret Bobw.For all of you H+R rifle/shotgun fans,check out there new offerings for 2008.I'll tell ya that they have two new rifles out chambered in 7mm+300 mags retail price......................$275-$325 bucks.
Have heard some positive and negative feedback from this.I am being a touch optimistic,I believe that soon that:
1.prices are going to skyrocket for Marlins,H+R,and NEF
2.Remmy is going to expand Marlins line up with more calibers ect...
3.Quality control is going to plummet,I hope not,But a lot of Remmy fans on the internet are sayin that Remmington's aren't the same as they were 10yrs ago.
I am glad I bought 25 cases of Round Up Pro Concetrate in Oct.Bought it at a good price too.Ain't surprising though next year in my area a bag of R.U.ready corn will be about $175-$200 bucks.