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Everything posted by ky_deerhunter_77

  1. Who's greed? It's more about POWER. my .02
  2. The short answer is Mexico sepsedize (sp?) the gas prices. The Mexican government pays for some of the cost. Just like the U S help pay for biodiesel, ethanol, etc....
  3. Because OF congress regulations the prices are so high. Congress TELLS the oil companies; A) where to drill and NOT DRILL for oil B) what grades of gas to make C) when they can build new or expand old refineries (30+ years ago was the last time a new refinery was built) The way to get gas prices down????? GET CONGRESS OUT OF THE WAY
  4. Wait, Buckee you can vote in NH or Iowa or both just tell them your are going to "move there"
  5. Beware of the Huckabee !!!!!!! The reason that the Dems and new media like him so will is that they can turn him into "George Bush the 2nd" and they can vote against George Bush again. I like Mike on the guns and his support of the fair tax. But he goes WAY LEFT when it comes to Immigrants *Change rule barring immigrants from running for president. (May 2007) *Punish people who break the law; but not their children. (Nov 2007) *FactCheck: Yes, supported scholarships for AR illegal aliens. (Dec 2007)
  6. There has been a lot of opinions about the BCS this year. So who do you thank should play for the championship? I like the OSU v/s LSU I would like to see LSU v/s OK instead
  7. As i see it the big question is " Where you from davet?"
  8. That's the Dems for you. BIG government, BIG taxes, and little power for the people. That's the ONLY way for them to stay in power, get as many people dependent on government hand outs. For examples; $5000 baby bond $1000 match for your 401k and on and on and on And I almost forgot the $1 TRILLION TAX INCRESE But this is only my $.02
  9. hope this helps
  10. The Liberals owns the newspapers, TV stations and just about everything else . So if all you info come from these places thy have won 1/2 the battle. I would ask every one to listen to talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, ext... You will see that there is a fight for the Republicans that the Move On Democrats don't want any one to know about. Because everyone know that the Democrats are bought and pay for by MOVE ON.ORG.
  11. Do you have any particular time frame you are trying to work in?
  12. I got a 4-way tie Hunter, Romney, Yancredo, and Thompson all with 18. also Obama w/2, Clinton and Edwards w/1 Thompson going get my vote.
  13. Thanks for the info. The Hornady LeveRevolution ammo is what I'm feeding it. So far it's groping about 4" at 50 years, but that is open sight and first day out.
  14. Does any one hunt deer with the 45-70? Got a Marlin 1895XLR in the 45-70. Thought about using it as a brush gun where the longest shot would be less that 75 yards. I know it makes BIG holes in paper, just wondering what it does to deer?
  15. I have a new 870 Wingmaster barrel for sale. It has the Rem. choke w/ 3 choke, vent rib 28". The reason I'm selling it is because it won't fit my older gun. New there about $200 - $235 asking $125 plus shipping. Here one that I found
  16. Has anyone heard about Newt running ? The local talk radio in Atlanta said he will if he can raise $30 million in 21 days. What is y'all thought about President Newt Gingrich ?
  17. I have the 7mm in a 110 savage and it shoot fine. Don't leason to ant one talk about the recoil. You will love the R3 pad, it makes shooting my 300 RUM like a 30-06. What is the sub-model (bdl, cdl, ...) ?
  18. The most effective propaganda is often completely truthful.
  19. The NRA won't respond to this. There is no guns involved.
  20. About Time Even though I don't know much about him, I'm going to vote for him. He is better than the other candidates. Rudy and Hillary could run on the same ticket. There both against the 2nd Amendment, the war, and for illegal immigrants.
  21. I hope Fred does run. I don't know to much about him but he has to be better than the others who's running. As far as Guiliani or Clinton they are the some; left wing liberals, BOTH are against the war and want to retreat, wants to band guns, for same sex marriage, and legalizing illegal immigrants. It wont surprise me if they run as President and Vice President on the Democrat ticket. But this is only my .02