Thats they way team. Sorry I have not been on. Lots of travel.
Congrats niterunner that is a fine bird don't second guess it's size.
Awesome bird and score PDR congrats.
Well my travels have been very positive. This has been a banner year for me. First was Florida which you all know I killed one there on the second hunt, then moved onto Texas. Second morning there get one gobbling about 200yards away. After about an hour of work out he pops from the scrub trees and cactus,. Face full at 25 yards. 1" spurs, 19lbs, and 8 11/16" spurs. (Phase 2 of the slam complete) Head out that same day in the eveneing and catch another with almost exact same stats going to roost. Done in Texas. Get back for the opener in Kentucky and have a mishap. Lots of birds come in to the decoys, lots of chasing. One real mature bird in strut about 10.5" beard. Another strutter with 6" beard chasing each other around. When I got the scope on the one I dropped him but must of lost focus on which one was which because the 6" bird was dead. Still a good hunt just don't like to lose focus like that. Got to hunt two days in Indiana but no action yet. Last week went to Missouri. Can I say WOW what a hunt. First morning hunting new property so got twisted around and set up later then I should. I was crawling on my belly into the field to get a jake decoy and hen set up with three birds gobbling in the woods behind me. It was maybe 5:40am. At 5:50am I hear a gobble out in the field I was covering. Big bird 300 yards away and he is COMING FAST. Gets to the jake and spins him on his stake three or four times in a circle. I cluck and he stops strutting and faces me at 15 yards. BAM hes down. Face full of six's. His stats were 24lbs 14ozs, 1" spurs and 10.25" beard. (Phase 3 of slam complete) Whats left? This weekend in Indiana then leave for phase 4 of the slam in Wyoming May 15th. Need to close the deal and will have got that slam I want in one year. I actually have killed the birds of the slam but would really like to do it in a year. Maybe just maybe we can win this thing. Looks like we could be in it at least.