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Everything posted by Matchthedeerslayer

  1. After 15 months of being overseas I finally got the chance at some leave and took advantage of it. This past thanksgiving was a successful one, despite the fact that I have missed the past 2 years of deer hunting in the great state of Wisconsin due to the Army, I think its safe to say I did not loose my touch when it comes to deer hunting. He may no be the biggest and baddest deer in the woods but I was happier than a butchers dog. To share these memories with my family for the short 2 weeks I was home was priceless and in being away from them so long it really makes you realize how important the little things in life are. To all my fellow hunting and non-hunting service members thank you and god bless.
  2. Thanks. I hope there are some opportunities to hunt here because I see deer all the time. I also hear they have hogs too so I will have to look into that also.
  3. Not a lot of you know but I am a US soldier currently serving our country overseas in Germany and I don't have a lot of time to be on here but I try every chance I get. I have been away from my family for almost 5 months now on a two year stationing and this was the first year I missed the holidays and all of my hunting opportunities back home. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any good outfitters here in Germany or has ever hunted this country because I would love to scratch the itch I have to be out in the woods after an animal.
  4. This year hunting was very special for my grandpa because in over 20 years of hunting he finally shot 2 of the biggest deer me and the rest of my family have ever seen taken from his farm. Its things like these that make me thank god I was born into a family that hunts not just for the sport but for the enjoyment of the outdoors and the time as a family we spend together. Both bucks haven't been scored yet, but the one in his right hand has a 20" spread and the left 18" spread. I can't wait to have my future kids enjoy the outdoors with me as much as I have with my family.
  5. It sucks that we ethical hunters get a bed rep because of some other guys silly mistakes or the fact that poachers dont want to do all the hard work it takes to harvest a great deer. but what the people should know is that hunters are a necessary thing in the world because if we didnt do our jobs then the animal populations would be through the roof!i understand that people have problems with it but the fact is, is that its needed in the circle of life and it connects families and friends who may not see eachother that often and its fun to be outside with these people doing what you all love to do reguardless of background. i just wish people woutld see through the tabloids and bad news and really see what hunting is all about.
  6. I always take the chance to take someone hunting even if it isnt my girlfriend. it is a wonderful expierence and you will have the memories of a lifetime. and my favorite type of hunting to take people on is squirrel, it is soo much fun and a blast to do with someone you care about. if you ask me id take her as many times as you can!
  7. I never climb a tree without my HSS. First thing i remember to take with me.
  8. Where i live the deer movement is usually good in the mornings but lately it has been warm and this past weekend was the first low temp day for a week now and i did see deer starting to move more in the moringis and i see even more when i go out shining at night. once the rut starts there will be a lot more activity, you just have to wait and see what happens.
  9. well around me is a ton of hunting pressure and ive seen a bigger buck on my land not on camera he ran throgh my back yard during gun deer season. thats the only time ive seen a deer that big by me. granted i would shoot this guy but im not sure i would be as pleased with him if he had more potential. my stand is located on a food plot in-between a field of soybeans this year and land on the other side that isnt hunted that is full of pine trees and crp grasses and i know that is where they are bedding and most of the major trails lead to my stand set up so im not sure. i know we have a ton of does but ive never seen a buck while hunting. even the ones i get on my camera. i mean last gun season i saw 18 deer and they were all does. the last buck i saw was 2 years ago and it was a nubby. i dont know what to do.
  10. i have knock off blazer vains on my arrows and have a wisker biscut and they shoot awesome, but what i also do is i take this viper or venom lubricant that is for removing your arrows from targest and i put it through the wiskers and it makes the arrows go through there even better.
  11. the bushnells are great! ive had mine for almost a year and it has worked wonders.
  12. i have about 40 acres of land that i hunt on and 20 of it is woods and i dont get many pictures of decent looking bucks in my woods, just the occasional fork or little 6 pointers and a ton of does. i do have a food plot and there are numerous trails and rub lines that lead to my stand/food plot but i cant seem to get and bigger bucks neer there. but i was wondering if and when i see this guy should i maybe let him grow a little more or should i take him?
  13. About two weeks ago I was fishing with a few friends on a lake that doesnt yield very big fish. We were heading in and I had thought I had snagged weeds then it fought back. This is what i got!!!
  14. Ive been looking at gourillas I think Ill look into one of them.
  15. Im looking to buy a new hangon treestand. I wnt to spend as much as 150 any ideas or suggestions??
  16. Thanks for the advice ill give this a try.
  17. Thanks. Ill have to wiat longer between calls now I guess. LOL. I hope I finally get one.
  18. Every year I go turkey hunting I get skunked. I can call like no tomorrow and i know where they are. Its just they never seem to come into my calls or decoy set ups. Can anyone help???
  19. Thats awesome man!!! I love it when my dad or grandpa take me hunting i learn soo much from them!!! I can still remember the first time i ever touched a turkey call and heard my fisrt gobble!!! it was awesome!!! Thats what got me hooked on the bird!
  20. I do a combination of both fooling the tom and stalking him. in the mornings I will try to call one in if I do thats great, but later in the day i might call a few times to try to get an idea of where he is, then the stalk begins. Its kinda fun to see what a turkey will do when all of a sudden you pop over a knoll or hill. But both methods do work.
  21. Last year i was looking for a good turkey vest also. What i did was looked online at things and found some stuff and compaired prices. But where i found mine was at cabelas in the bargin cave!!! there was a part that needed to be sewed back on so thats what i did and it has worked wonders!!! and i got it at a great price too!!!!
  22. that is the best expierence in the world!!!! i still remember my first time. i cant hardly wait its so close i can already feel the kick of my gun and smell the frost on the ground!!!!! its gona b a good year.
  23. Dude u have no idea how long ive been waiting for this day to come!!!! I cant wait!
  24. ill be up in my 17ft ladder stand over looking my food plot and wating patiently for the big one!!! or a Squirrel!!!!
  25. Me and my buddy (natethebowhunter) are looking for a good self-climbing treestand because we are filming our hunts this year. Ive been looking at alot and I really like summit stands. anybody else got any suggestions or pointers on a good stand??