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About Flintlock1776

  • Birthday 07/06/1954


  • Location
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  • Interests
  • Biography
    Hunting Deer & Turkey

Flintlock1776's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. NY and NJ are hurting on finding any open gas stations that can pump gas. Anyone know any stations along Rte 78 between Easton to Hamburg that has gas available? Folks can not take uncertain trips in order to find stations not affected by hurricane Sandy. Thanks
  2. It may void the warranty. Check your manual about using mother mfgs. stuff on their stand
  3. I have put my Double Bull Blinds ( Matrix Recurve; T2; and Gun-hunters blind) unbrushed the same day I hunt. I have done this in several sates and no issues. I have had deer within 3 yards of my blind, and one brushed up against i when spooked by a coyote. They never gave my blind a 2nd thought
  4. I will try Black Widow XXX this year. Their commercial showing the differences with the major brands seems compelling.
  5. This is supposed to act like a magnetic block to your body's wave lengths similar, they say, to the device in your microwave. http://www.hecsllc.com I tend to be skeptical but maybe?........... $30 off with Promo Code Pursuit3 It was on TV tonight Is that Realtree camo they are using?
  6. I hang it on my deer stand or ground blind vertical. I don't even recall the instructions saying it should be horizontal. In a ground blind make sure you have plenty of ventilation
  7. Too bad. Most of the big sky events in the past few years, we had bad skies. Finally! This weekend will be clear. Now, I just have to remember to get out at o-dark-early!
  8. Flintlock1776

    Poison Ivy

    And............. Avoid places with Poison Ivy! Feel better, good luck!
  9. Make sure your SD card has been formatted. How to Format an SD Card
  10. Let them tag out on the small stuff. When the rut kicks in I think the big boys may go to your land to hole up. Too bad there is no antler restrictions. PA went to one some years back and I believe hunters have benefited from letting the small guys walk Good luck
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49479429/ns/technology_and_science-space/#__utma=14933801.83225440.1342483775.1350584843.1350682352.49&__utmb=14933801.3.10.1350682352&__utmc=14933801&__utmx=-&__utmz=14933801.1350682352.49.28.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided)&__utmv=14933801.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc%7Ccover=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^13=Landing%20Hostname=www.nbcnews.com=1^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=254448904 :toot:
  12. I think I see a consensus from the results!:rock:
  13. What did you buy that you never had before for this year's hunting season? Lets help the economy! Here is my list: GoPro Camera Black Widow Gold Label Hot-N-Ready XXX Deer Lure
  14. Good luck. Hopefully the buck will show up as the sun sats t set. When the rut hits you never know when they will show up. In either event get to your stand and stay until shooting hours are over. Good luck.