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Everything posted by johnnie

  1. I was thinking, man I need to go to Texas, up until the spider picture, now NO WAY MAN Great pics thanks for sharing
  2. Yep, that is a dream maker right there
  3. Good luck with that, we are fighting the same problems here in NC. Fortunately, our Sunday ban doesn't include archery, so this upcoming season we should get to bowhunt on Sundays. Hopefully, this will open the doors for all other hunting on Sundays.
  4. You can see that the shadows change from one picture to the next. I agree, I think the trail is much smaller than we think it is.
  5. Wish I could come across this guy in the woods
  6. Read carefully, must've been one tough kid.... edit : (apologies for the rude language on the newspaper clipping. For those interested, the "o" in shot, used to be an "i" before being edited by the powers that be.)
  7. Tominator, Did you see this one? Note the times on the first several pictures....this was a several minute staredown
  8. Same buck for a whole season (weekly shots) Johnnie
  9. Sorry about the repost, I'd never seen it before.
  10. Hope this isn't a repost.... Cool sequence of a bobcat/deer fight
  11. Too funny not to share Johnnie
  12. I hope this isn't a repost of these videos. Six videos in all from different angles
  13. Todd, it is really cool. It works with any camera and creates the graphs in three steps Open Program Select Folder View Graphs Easy, Johnnie
  14. I just got this new program that creates graphs from your trail camera pictures....way cool. You can get all kinds of cool graphs like these : Program is located at Graph of pictures vs time of day Graph of pictures vs phase of moon Graph of time of day vs phase of moon Johnnie
  15. Picked this up elsewhere, had to pass it along. I don't know the story at all Johnnie
  16. Caught this guy on cam behind my house, pretty cool with the velvet shedding.
  17. Hello all, I will be showing the property to potential members on Saturday, July 28th in the am. So if your interested, give me a buzz (the number on the website Johnnie
  18. Hey guys/gals, My hunting club ( not a pay-per hunt or outfitter), is seeking members. We are located in Eastern NC ( Halifax County ). Too many details to list, but our website has all the information at Once there, check out the "New Member Search" area. We just learned that we have first dibs on an adjacent 240 acres with a two bedroom house. This would give us over 1900 acres and TWO clubhouses on the property. Please check us out. Johnnie Mods this is not a for-profit outfit, so I thought is would be appropriate in this forum. Please move to classifieds if desired.
  19. Hey guys/gals, I usually am a lurker and have previously posted here several times (though the forum doesn't recognize my old login, so I had to re-register). But I wanted to let anyone interested about openings in my hunting club in Eastern NC. We do accept out-of-state hunters. Too many details to list here, but a full description of the club is at This is not a pay-per hunt deal, this is a one year membership to a normal old hunting club. Check out the "member search" section for new member details. Thanks in advance, Johnnie