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About PotashRLS

  • Birthday 11/30/1974


  • Location
    Northeast Wisconsin
  • Occupation
    Registered Land Surveyor and Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate Tech.
  • Interests
    Family, Hunting, EMTing, Food Plotting, Hunter and Bowhunter Ed. Instructor
  • Biography
    Dad, Husband, Bowhunter and EMT-IT

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PotashRLS's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. Oh come now. Everyone knows everything is bigger up here. :clown:
  2. Posted my Bow and Muzzleloader does for credit. Been the least amount of hunting I've ever done this year. Only bowhunted 3 times, worst since high school. Did put some venison in the freezer though. I took over/bought out our land surveying business this past spring which left little or no time for much else. Hope everyone else had a good season.
  3. Team 3 Bow kill from Sept. 14th 2014 Muzzleloader kill from Dec. 3rd, 2014 No bucks this year for me.
  4. That just may be the best team name I've ever seen on here. Funny stuff.
  5. I'm here. Haven't been on much at all since the new forum format (not a big fan of the change) but smoked a doe yesterday afternoon with my son. I'll get her posted up when I get a chance.
  6. Tracy Ondik 39 PotashRLS Wisconsin Sept.13 - Jan.4th
  7. No sweat Tom. Hunting isn't just shooting.
  8. Big fan of the Barnes Expander MZ 300gr. behind 110gr. of BH209 in my encore. Don't let the harder loading scare you away. Lube between each shot and you should be good. The performance is well worth the harder loading issue.
  9. Hope you arrow a biggin Tim. With snow, the mosquitoes should be wearing winter coats yet.
  10. Makes me hungry for seafood.
  11. That is awesome. Love to see it at 50.
  12. Geez..........slow season for ya eh? You're really puttin em down. Nice job. Which bird you going to enter in the contest?
  13. Nice pictorial. Sounds like a great trip.