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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Anthony, that is great news for you and Joe. I am sure Tink will love having y'all for neighbors. I hope it works out for you and the family. PM me your number. Maybe we can grab a meal or drink while your in TX. I am only 4-5 hours away from Kerrville in the big city of Houston.
  2. Thanks for the welcome. The tag is for the meat processors instructions and to ID his horns for the European mount he is having done by www.rhodestaxidermy.com
  3. herbie

    Hogs gone Wild

    It is TV. They are getting footage. Not hunting.
  4. I am the friend, cousin, outfitter, guide and Texan that keeps Anthony coming back for more. Over the last 4 trips to TX, Anthony continues to shoot bigger and better Axis deer. Even though I own a HIGH fenced ranch with exotics and B IG whitetails, every deer that Anthony shot with my crossgun(just kidding) gun was free ranging on a feeder creek that feeds the North Fork of the Guadalupe River. My .25-06 Encore is a tack driver. It killed 3 animals on Saturday, Anthony's Axis, and another hunters Sika and Ram. It has been said that if if my gun stock was notched for every animal killed with it, it would have fallen apart several times. We have a gimp Axis doe that I am lookuing for. Should I find her again, the Encore will bark. If I diid my job, the doe will drop in her tracks as Anthony's buck did. I am trying to get him to neck shoot 'em. But can't complain when they drop in their tracks. If you wanna come to TX and hunt on a game ranch, ask Anthony where to go .
  5. Members have to have 20 posts to ask a question? If that is the case, how do you get new members to stay active. Look how long ago I joined.
  6. does it have rifle sights, drilled for scope mounts, can you post a picture(s)?
  7. Tink, I had read this the other day. My condolences. Herbie