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Everything posted by muzzy916

  1. i went on a military hunt last year a guy killed an 8point in velvet the end of november, DNR said it was a doe and since she had no testasterion she had no desire to rub it off, also said that alot of deer come in that are hermafidites(male, and female) forgive my spelling not so good at it.
  2. even without the double beam he would still be on my wall and i have a 145 7/8 in 10 point already on the wall. I understand wanting mature deer and all that. but that deer is a great deer and anytime your can take a good deer with a loved one is the best trophy.
  3. hey sorry i haveny been on here in awhile but just seen i was put on a team. to let everyone know how i have done, i have shot a lil doe and passed on 3 other does just didnt like the shot i will post a pic later.
  4. seen that deer two years ago it was shot off of a game preserve like 3 years ago boone and crocket talks about it on their site
  5. i bought my gf a browning micro adrenaline, its like 24-30 in draw 30-40 or 40-50 lbs with all the acesoriors, and just an opinion its quite and shoots grea
  6. i would say 120s but i also dont consider my self good a judging the score of a deer.
  7. i wasnt bow hunting but i killed my first turkey on my daughters first birthday this season. and i have anouther kid on the way due in november, ill be there for the birth but that is shotgun season too, so ill be in the woods a couple of days later.
  8. (ill start off saying that today is my daughters first birthday), I chased this bird for 3 hours yesterday evening, we called him in 4 times and just never could get a shot.The next day i went back to where he was and two guys were in my spot. So i moved to the next field over and sat down to figure out what to do and not two mins later this guy walked in at 32 yards and i rolled him over there. 23 lbs, 25ml spurs, 11in beard
  9. i dont think that it is the same bird the beards look different sizes but i dont know awsome pics though
  10. 2006 gander tech hunter(made by bowtech) 60 lbs easton epics 400grain muzzy MX3 100 NAP quick tune 360 rest 4 arrow one peice bowtech quiver (have hunted with it for two and have not killed anything still working on first bow kill) the bow is the best bow ive ever owned just still too exited to hit anything. ive made two bad shots on two big does in the past two years(it kills me everyday amzing what deer fever will do)
  11. i got my girlfriend browning micro adrenaline, it didnt cost alot comletly set up, you have a 10in range for draw lenght, its light weight, and an easy starting bow for both you and your wife. She wanted the parker bow but when she seen the browning she fell in love with it. but all in all find one that she is comfortable and she likes, let her shoot it before you buy one. If she is hunting with it make sure she is happy with her bow.
  12. as much as i like the non-typical racks, i think i would go with the huge typical 8 point rack with a 30 in spread and 18 in g2s, but it might all change when it came down to it.
  13. right handed 60 to 70lbs 26-29" draw length comes with sights, wisker bizkit, stablizer, airport aproved case, (the picture isnt the exact bow but same model) asking $550.00
  14. i am switching arrows the past two years i have been shooting easton epics, im going to switch to easton axis 400s. i am also switching to rage 3 broadheads from muzzy mx3s. then im put a nap drop away on and using my 360 for anouther bow. and last but not least im going to try to buy the new hoyt alpha max and start using it for 2009. theres more but i figured i would stop here.
  15. i sent a letter to congressmen burton. i think everyone on here should get a petition together tring to stop this. i just dont see how a country of patirots can let this happen. i love my country and if i could i would be in iraq right now fighting for it. but i love my guns and my right to have them, carry them, and purchase them. i know i havent done anything to have that right taken away and im sure everyone on here feels the same way. sorry guys just venting.
  16. i remember it but havent been there in a while. so how did your season go. this was the worst year ive ever hunted.
  17. good luck man, stick in there its cold.
  18. hey everyone just thought it would be cool seeing everyones trophy rooms. im sure its been posted time after time but i would aperiate see everyone els. i will have some more up once i get them on my computer. my brothers wall one of my dads mounts anouther one of my dads my uncle jims mount my uncle johns monster my 140in 10 point and last but not least my first buck
  19. yea indiana deer season is over, it was the worst season ive ever seen and alot of people here have said the same. i went deerless for the first time in 5 years trying to get my girlfreind her first deer. but it was hunting time and anytime in the woods is a good day.
  20. ive seen that top picture, and when i first started hunting, i seen a half black doe but was too far for a bow. it also wasnt as dark as the two pictures posted, but she had some black on her sides. i just wish i would of had a camera with me, it was an awsome sight.
  21. it was taken on a high fence farm, it went around indiana that it was killed this year too, i looked it up on the boon and crocet site and it said it was killed a couple years ago by a totaly differant guy. but sorry man not a true story.
  22. hey finaly fixed my hard drive here are the rest of the pictures from this year. pops, 7 point davids 6 point brandis second bushy tail