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About danthehuntinman

  • Birthday 12/06/1985


  • Location
    West Virginia
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    My hobbies are hunting, fishing, camping, and target shooting

danthehuntinman's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. I have 2 sights on the edge of the clover field one is up high on the ridge by a spring and the other is on the bottom by a pond. We put some type of minerals out year around on our farm. The one where the lucky buck is a is the first year I've had minerals in that spot beside just a mineral block out here and there. We have 58.5 acres and run 3 cameras on it and have different deer on all of them and usually the same deer don't show u on all the cams. The sight by the pond I've had in there for years now so the deer hit it pretty regular.
  2. We don't have much minerals in the ground around my farm. I put a mineral site out on the opposite side of my farm like I've used for three years I'm going to see how that works.
  3. I checked my cameras after a week on both mineral sights and the deer aren't really hitting them. So I'm not sure how long it should take the deer to start using them. We just got a 30 acre clover field put in so maybe that's affecting the way the deer are using minerals.
  4. wow that'd be a great bird to get mounted tell him congratulations.
  5. I just got some lucky buck minerals to try out. I was wondering if anyone on here used them and how good they worked. I've been doing trace minerals salt and phosphate the past 4 years and have worked really well for me I just wanted to try something new.
  6. I've been hearing a lot about the new Winchester long-beard xr turkey loads maybe try those out and see how they do for you.
  7. I either hunt with my t/c encore prohunter 300 win mag. or I have a Ruger m77 mark II 260 rem. It all depends where I'm hunting at for which gun I take.
  8. I've shot it once I really liked the insanity it's quick and hits hard. I have to bowtech destroyer 350 and love it I wouldn't trade it for anything. I don't think you could go wrong with any of the bowtech bows but it's all in how it feels for you to shoot.
  9. Congrats on another great buck looks like you'll get two bucks mounted now.
  10. Some great bucks you have there hope you get a chance at one of those big boys.
  11. I shot them last year and they did really well. They fly just like your field points and they leave a heck of a hole.