Wake up early this morning. Go to the closest public place next to my house. After settled on the tree by 5:00, I set the iPhone alarm for 5:55 am so I can catch the first light. This guys show up at 6:03 with a doe in front of him way up on the north hill top, take him 6 minutes to be in front of me. Shot him double lung with Firenock GSH red, Aerovane II (white, yellow and red), and Smoke Ramcat. He expired about 70 yard from the sign in parking lot.
14 points, double browntine on both.
OK, here is the full story. I was way back in the woods this Wednesday, I miss a 10 pts when another 9 pt and 2 does are underneath me. With another buck which is behind me. These are not BIG deer, but worth shooting in Public land standard!
I clean miss that buck which I discover that my arrow rest had moved, which also lead to me accidentally cut my cable on my Darton 3500S. I call Wes at ProString for help and he said he made me a set ASAP. I have a BladeRunner A51 and I set it up and go out, that is thursday. I saw a nice bucks at the very front of the park (a small 12), and cannot get a shot on Friday as I have major nock pinch on my A51.
I notice that there were some fresh rub at about 10 ft to 30 ft from the parking lot when I walked out on Thursday and Friday. So I believe the big boys are now at the very front of the park instead of the back where I have to do a LONG walk. I got Wes's ProString cable on Saturday, got the bow set up and shooting silver dollar size at 25 yds Saturday night, I know I am ready.
This morning, I set up 30 yard from the highway, which is right at the front of the first turn of the park. It is 120 yard walk from my car. I shot him and he walked exactly where I thought was heading for the last few days as I saw something rubbing the tree at the very front. It died 70 yards from where I park or 40 yards from the end of the parking lot.
Do I know that HE is there? No, but I know something big are. I know of 3 more guys like him and one is like a mule deer. Season is not over, we shall see. There are other states which many friend are inviting me to go. It is a great season already. Now, just need to shot a few does to stock up the freezers.
I hunt on public land as I do not own land and only a few friends ONCE in a while invite me to their place to hunt. Is always very concern if I shot a BIG one on their land, how sad will he/she/they feel. And I am lazy on scouting (I do not do scouting), and sure do not feel like doing food plot as I do not own any land beside that tiny piece of lawn in front of my house. My basic rule is I do not climb the same tree more than 3 time in a season. So I am not even sure which tree I am going to climb on each hunt. Just what looks good that day. This is the greatest part of my pleasure on hunting Public land. No maintenance, no land tax, no transpasser to worry about, no pay of anything as it is public, and there are BIG deers there for FREE!
Once again, Thanks you Wes at ProString for allowing me to go out today! I am not sure I would hit that buck with my A51 which is also handicapped! And Scott @ S&P Scent to keep me scent free.