MN BuckKiller

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About MN BuckKiller

  • Birthday 10/24/1991

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  1. Ive hunted Minnesota all my life and im 18 and have to dandys on the wall..! Good place to be.
  2. Nice job man. we didnt see much all together we shot 5 the first weekend we hunt by Parkers Praire but didnt see much at all the last 4 days
  3. Those are amazing pictures thanks for sharing !
  4. No i have never seen one in the wild... and wow that albino buck that, that guy posted is amazing what a trophy
  5. What i like to do when i know theres a good buck around is, try to find a routine of these deer if they are feeding at a certain time or somthing like that... but if these bucks are nocturnal i dunno really what to tell ya they didnt get big being dumb! haha
  6. Thats crazy they must have alot of force to get so lockey up they cant get out...
  7. Wow that is crazy i guess he was hungry
  8. I shot this one in september.. 140"in 8 point
  9. What is that thing.... not a whitetail lol jeeze just look at the bases.
  10. uh no i dont have the story... hah he has a two 10 pointers on the wall and im afraid this ones gunna blow them out of the water.... hah he was really happy tho and i was happy for him. good luck all
  11. It has a 22" in inside spread and a 25"in outside.