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About JasonLester

  • Birthday 08/31/1973


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    Design Engineer

JasonLester's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. First Harvests with New Crossbow Nice congrats on a great hunt and two nice deer
  2. My 2012 Ohio Buck That's a nice buck... Your lucky to have someone to hunt with my wife will never go. Fortunately my kids love it. Post a pic of the mount when you get a chance...
  3. Looks like I'm going to start Bow hunting. Don't get macho and think you need a super heavy bow. A used recurve could be a nice thing to get you back to the basics as far as shooting and help strengthen your muscles. It's better to have a compound that really fits you. Heavy weight will only make you develop bad habits. Start close to the target and remember form is everything. Worry about changing your sights after you can group consistently.
  4. My 2012 Ohio Buck Got to quickly put a tape on him... 110-115 which kinda surprised me... But he is an 8 and his main beams aren't super long. I still love how he looks... Dropped him at the taxi just a few minutes ago.
  5. Rather be lucky than good Nice! Congrats!
  6. My 2012 Ohio Buck Maybe that didn't work
  7. My 2012 Ohio Buck[ATTACH]13120[/ATTACH]Here is another pic with him on the rack behind my Yukon all strapped down. (ignore my hat, I didn't want to rub his hide driving to the processor with the ratchet )
  8. My 2012 Ohio Buck Thanks guys ... Your coming in at similar as what I thought. I was guessing 120-130 maybe low 130's tallest time is about 8 inches I believe. I should get a call from the processor tonight or tomorrow and I'll throw a tape to him and get an idea before the taxi gets him... All and all super happy with him... Just kinda nice to get a nice one once and a while.... Only thing better would have been if one of my kids had shot it. This was Highland county. Shot a doe out there last year that was big. All farm land plenty to eat I guess.
  9. Keep at it...its tough to start with. I went years before killing one. I have hunted for 25 years or so and don't take one every year. I have opportunities but not always good enough for me. I hunt private property now so that helps. Keep asking ...be willing to help out on the property if you can. Sometimes your time with a farmer means a lot to spend some time helping out in the off season especially.
  10. Took this one this year at a new farm. This is my second year hunting it. Killed a doe last year and didn't have a buck in range. Anyway, I was hunting the other direction. We cleared some trees with a backhoe and pilled the logs up making a nice ground blind. I was sitting behind it and ended up having this 8 point come up behind me. I hadn't seen anything yet this morning but had seen 4 bucks earlier in the week. He came off the neighboring property and was sneaking into the thick stuff behind me. I had to make a quick decision as he would have disappeared quick. I actually shot him left handed. He was at 25 yards. Not a monster but not a bad buck big body. Just thought I'd share...What do you think he'll score. I've yet to put a tape on him. I don't care because he's mine already it just nice to know sometimes ....
  11. I saw some pretty nice bucks out there when I lived in Charles Town. Biggest was probably 130-140 though. Unfortunatly where I couldn't hunt. I did see some piebald ones there.
  12. I didn't study it to look and see if it was real or fake (not that I could tell) but the deer hadn't been dead long. And they were more than willing to let me look. As I said I stopped them at a red light to take a peek. I don't know how they would fake that. I don't know what he'd score...I just know its pretty wild. He looked better in person IMO. My wife and kids were with me and all were in awe of it. Not sure if it will rival the Beaty buck (304+") But its the biggest I've ever touched. Makes my 153" buck look like a fawn. LOL
  13. No they guy that shot it was there. He was not driving though. I'm sure he hasn't had it out of his sight. I sure wouldn't. They guy in the picture I never saw. He may have been in the truck but I don't know. My guess is this is the guys son or som relation to the guy that shot it.
  14. Aaron, Thats right. We're near Cincinnati. A bit of a ways from Adams county. But there are some brutes in there as well. Good luck.
  15. No idea why the hunter didn't pose with it. Or why this guy's picture made it to the internet and his did not. I'd think he took some pics with it. Who knows. As for what county. I believe it was shot in Warren. I saw it at about 10 am. So it could have been killed a long way away. I'm hoping to hear too. I have mixed feelings about him shooting it near me. One is I am concerned about hunting pressure increasing. The nice thing would be knowing that caliber of buck could be out there. Maybe people will hold out for a bigger one if they know bucks like this are around. They start doing that and it should let them live longer.